Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus: Experience Love

Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus: Finding , Rest, and Forgiveness In the midst of our chaotic lives, it is comforting to know that the name Jesus has the power to bring us love, rest, and forgiveness. Softly sing the sweet word “Jesus,” for it draws poor sinners to His loving embrace. In moments of , we find and transformation, as Jesus eagerly receives us and forgives our sins. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus will never leave us and will guide us safely to heaven.


Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Softly sing the sweet word “Jesus,”
For ’tis full of love and rest;
And the very name of Jesus
Draws poor sinners to His breast.

Softly sing that name so tender,
Many a trembling one is here;
Only tenderness can draw them,
And they are so very dear.

O, poor sinner, speak to Jesus,
In the silence of heart;
Say, “For this Thy love so wondrous,
Now with all my I’ll part.”

“I will trust Thee now, Lord Jesus,
Keep Thee waiting now no more;
Let Thee take away my sin-stains,
Let Thee heal my every sore.”

Jesus answers, “I receive thee;
Only look on Me and live;
And I now will never leave thee,
All thy sins I now forgive.”

Sing aloud, oh, happy sinner!
“Jesus says I am forgiven,
And that He will never leave me
Till He brings me safe to heaven.”


Meaning of Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus

Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus: Finding Love, Rest, and Forgiveness

In the midst of our chaotic lives, filled with ups and downs, joys and , it is comforting to know that there is a name that has the power to bring us love, rest, and forgiveness. That name is Jesus. Softly sing the sweet word “Jesus,” for it is full of love and rest; it has the ability to draw poor sinners to His loving embrace.

The name of Jesus is like a gentle melody that resonates within our hearts, offering solace and peace. It is a name that holds the power to bring healing to our wounded souls. When we softly utter this name, we are reminded that we are not alone. Jesus is always with us, ready to offer His unfailing love and understanding.

Many who come before Jesus are trembling with fear and insecurity, burdened by the weight of their mistakes and regrets. They come seeking solace, redemption, and a fresh start. In their hearts, they yearn for tenderness and compassion. Softly sing that name so tender, for only tenderness can draw them close. Jesus understands the frailty of our human hearts and desires nothing more than to embrace us with His everlasting love.

O, poor sinner, do not hesitate to speak to Jesus in the silence of your heart. Pour out your fears, your doubts, and your sins before Him. Say, “For this Thy love so wondrous, now with all my sin I’ll part.” Acknowledge your shortcomings, and with a sincere heart, surrender them to Jesus. Trust in His infinite mercy and grace.

In those moments of surrender, when we let go of our burdens and allow Jesus to take control, something miraculous happens. We are transformed. We are no longer held captive by our past mistakes and regrets. Instead, we find freedom in Jesus’ love and forgiveness. “I will trust Thee now, Lord Jesus,” we declare. We refuse to keep Him waiting any longer. We open ourselves to His healing touch and His power to cleanse us from our sin-stains.

And Jesus, in all His compassion and love, eagerly responds. He says, “I receive thee; only look on Me and live.” Jesus wants nothing more than to breathe new life into our souls. He is the source of true healing, accepting us as we are, and walking alongside us on our journey of . In His presence, we find solace, strength, and the assurance that we are never alone.

The sweet word “Jesus” brings the promise of forgiveness. As we utter this powerful name, we can proclaim to the world that our sins are forgiven. Sing aloud, oh, happy sinner! Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus says, “I am forgiven.” His love and sacrifice on the have washed away our transgressions and made us whole. He promises to never leave us, guiding us safely to heaven.

In conclusion, softly sing the sweet word “Jesus.” Let it permeate your being and fill your heart with love, rest, and forgiveness. Allow His tenderness to draw you close, and in the silence of your heart, speak to Him. Trust in His love and relinquish your sins and burdens to Him. Know that Jesus eagerly receives you, offering healing and forgiveness. Rejoice in the knowledge that you are forgiven and that Jesus will never leave your side. Softly sing the sweet word “Jesus,” and let it transform your life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Softly Sing The Sweet Word Jesus: Experience Love, Rest, and Forgiveness in Jesus' Name. Find solace, trust in His mercy, and let His forgiveness transform your life. Enjoy the assurance that you are forgiven and loved by Jesus.


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