Some Day You Say While Jesus Pleads – Hymn Lyric
Don’t wait for “some day” when Jesus is pleading for you to come to Him now. Our souls are too valuable to lose, and the time is always right to accept His love and grace. Don’t let procrastination lead to regret – make the choice to follow Him today before it’s too late.
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Some Day You Say While Jesus Pleads – Hymn Lyric
“Some Day,” you say, while Jesus pleads,
“I’ll come and fill my soul’s deep need.”
Come while the Spirit intercedes-
“Some day” may be too late.
“Some day” may be too late,
For death may shut the vineyard gate;
The time is now, this very hour,
“Some day” may be too late.
The precious time is speeding fast;
Let all your wand’ring days be past;
On Jesus now your burden cast-
“Some day” may be too late. [Refrain]
You know that evil does not pay,
You know you need a friend today;
Then, why from Jesus turn away?-
“Some day” may be too late. [Refrain]
You do not wish to lose your soul,
Then, why let sin your life control?
Come home, come home, be glad and whole-
“Some day” may be too late. [Refrain]
You cannot save yourself, my friend,
On God‘s great son you must depend;
Come now, while arms of love extend;-
“Some day” may be too late. [Refrain]
Meaning of Some Day You Say While Jesus Pleads
Do you ever find yourself saying “some day” when it comes to things you know you should do? Maybe it’s cleaning your room, studying for a test, or even spending time with loved ones. We often push things off, thinking we have all the time in the world. But what if “some day” ends up being too late?
This hymn reminds us that “Some day” may be too late when it comes to our relationship with Jesus. He is always ready and willing to fill our souls with love and grace. The Spirit is constantly interceding for us, urging us to come closer to Him. So why wait for “some day” when the time is now?
We all know that life is precious and fleeting. We can’t afford to waste our days wandering aimlessly, letting sin control our lives. Instead, we should cast our burdens on Jesus and find peace in His embrace. “Some day” may be too late to make that decision.
Evil never leads to anything good, and we all need a friend like Jesus by our side. Don’t turn away from His love and guidance. Embrace Him now, in this very hour, before it’s too late. Death may come unexpectedly, closing the gate to the vineyard of salvation.
Our souls are too valuable to lose. We must not let sin take over and lead us astray. It’s time to come home to Jesus, to be glad and whole in His presence. Don’t let “some day” slip away without making the choice to follow Him.
We may think we can save ourselves, but the truth is, we need to depend on God’s Son for true salvation. His arms of love are always extended, waiting for us to return to Him. Don’t let “some day” be too late to accept His grace and forgiveness.
So let’s not procrastinate when it comes to our faith and relationship with Jesus. Let’s not put off the most important decision of our lives. The time is now, this very hour, to come to Him with open hearts and minds. Don’t let “some day” be too late.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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