Soul A Stranger Stands – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of opening your heart as a stranger

Soul A Stranger Stands – Hymn Lyric

In the “Soul A Stranger Stands,” we are reminded of the importance of opening our hearts to , who patiently and lovingly waits for our response. Just as we open our doors to unexpected guests, we are encouraged to let Jesus into our souls, where His presence brings peace, , and purpose. This hymn teaches us the transformative power of love and acceptance, both in our relationship with Christ and with others.


Soul A Stranger Stands – Hymn Lyric

Soul, a stranger stands at thy heart’s closed door!
Fairest of the fair, and thy guest He would be;
O’er His head a halo of glory shines –
‘Tis the blessed , and He calleth to .

Knocking at the door, knocking at the door,
Patiently and lovingly He waits,
Thee, He seeks to win, O, let the Saviour in,
While He’s knocking, knocking at the door.

He a crown of thorns weareth on His brow;
See the cruel prints of the nails in His hands!
Surely this is He, and He’s waiting now,
Will you not admit Him? See! He patiently stands!

Knocking at the door, knocking at the door,
Patiently and lovingly He waits,
Thee, He seeks to win, O, let the Saviour in,
While He’s knocking, knocking at the door.

Often-times before you have heard Him knock,
Heard His gentle pleading “O give me thy heart.”
Let the Saviour in! turn the rusted lock,
Ere in sorrow He from thee forever depart.

Knocking at the door, knocking at the door,
Patiently and lovingly He waits,
Thee, He seeks to win, O, let the Saviour in,
While He’s knocking, knocking at the door.


Meaning of Soul A Stranger Stands

“Soul, A Stranger Stands” is more than just a line of poetry or a phrase in a song. It’s an invitation, a gentle nudge to consider something beautiful and profound. Have you ever paused to consider what it might mean? Well, let’s explore it together. Imagine you’re sitting in your room, and outside the window, the world is bustling with life. Birds are singing, people are chatting, and the trees are swaying gently in the breeze. But then, you hear a soft tapping sound. It’s consistent and seems to be calling for your attention.

This tapping – it’s the knocking at your heart’s door spoken about in the loving hymn titled “Soul, A Stranger Stands.” The stranger referred to here is someone special, not just any passerby; it’s the knocking, waiting to be let into your life.

Who is this person with a halo of glory brightly over His head? It’s none other than Jesus Christ, the Fairest of the fair, as the hymn describes. Now, you might wonder why Jesus is called the Fairest of the fair. “Fair” here means beautiful, just, and pure. The hymn suggests that there is no one more beautiful in spirit and truth than Jesus, who embodies perfect love and kindness.

In the song, we can almost picture Him standing there, awaiting an invitation to come inside. But why would Jesus knock and wait? Why doesn’t He just come in? This is because Jesus is respectful and loving. He doesn’t force His way into our lives. Instead, He offers His friendship, guidance, and love and waits for us to open the door of our hearts willingly to accept His gifts.

The hymn goes on to paint a picture of Jesus with a crown of thorns on His brow and with scars – the marks of nails in His hands. These aren’t just symbols; they tell a story of love and . Jesus suffered and bore these marks because of His great love for humanity. He underwent pain so that we might know the depths of His love and the hope of being saved from our own mistakes and regrets.

But wait, there’s that knocking again — knocking at the door, asking gently and patiently to come in. Jesus doesn’t knock loudly or demandingly; rather, he waits with patience and love. His is for us to welcome Him into our hearts and lives, to experience the fullness of His love.

He’s not a stranger in the sense that He’s unknown to us. If anything, He knows us better than we know ourselves. He’s a stranger only because sometimes we keep Him out, not realizing just how much He wants to be a part of our lives.

You see, the hymn reminds us that this is not the first time Jesus has knocked. He has knocked many times before, always with the same plea, “O give me thy heart.” Why does He ask for our hearts? Because our heart is where our love, our decisions, our feelings, and our intentions live. When Jesus asks for our hearts, He’s asking to be a part of all that we are.

“Let the Saviour in! Turn the rusted lock,” says the hymn. This line suggests that while Jesus always knocks, sometimes the door to our hearts can become hard to open. Maybe fear, doubt, pain, or simply neglect has caused the lock on our heart’s door to rust. But it’s never too late to invite Jesus in, to turn that lock, and open the door to a relationship with Him.

You don’t want the sadness of letting the Savior walk , as the hymn warns, “Ere in sorrow He from thee forever depart.” This doesn’t mean Jesus gives up on us. On the contrary, it reflects the sorrow we might feel if we miss the chance to welcome such a loving and compassionate friend into our lives.

So, what can you do with this knocking, with this invitation? Take a moment and listen to your heart. If you feel that gentle tapping, that soft knocking, it might be time to open the door. Jesus’ presence can bring peace, comfort, and a sense of being loved beyond measure. It can mean having a friend who understands you completely and supports you unfailingly.

“Soul, A Stranger Stands” is not just a hymn. It’s a reminder that we are never alone, that we are always loved, and that the greatest joy can come from saying “yes” to the One who is knocking. So next time you hear that knocking at your heart’s door, remember the patient and loving figure awaiting your invitation. It might just be the moment that changes everything.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of opening your heart as a stranger, the blessed Savior, knocks at the door of your soul. Embrace love, acceptance, and transformation. Open the door and let the Savior in.


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