Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling – Hymn Lyric

Find hope and fulfillment in the promise of peace with "Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling." Discover lasting satisfaction in God's presence and trust in His timing.

Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling – Hymn Lyric

Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling: Finding in the Promise of Peace” is a hymn that beautifully captures the longing for a world free from sorrow and pain. It reminds us of the hope we have in the promise of a better future and encourages us to trust in God’s timing. Through its powerful lyrics, this hymn reminds us that true satisfaction and peace can only be found in the presence of God.


Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling – Hymn Lyric

Soul amid earth sorrows dwelling,
Sighing for the strife to cease,
Lo! the promise sweet foretelling
Soon shall come the Prince of Peace.

I shall be satisfied then,
I shall be satisfied then;
When the King of kings, with angels attending,
Rends the azure sky, in glory ,
When the saints awake in his own likeness,
I shall be satisfied then.

Saddened by the world’s complaining,
Burdened with the ceaseless care,
Tell me! is there rest remaining
For the toilers over there? [Chorus]

Patient wait God’s time for going,
Murmur not though long thy stay,
Ever , ever knowing
Thou dwell with him some day. [Chorus]

of God, the soul can never
here with sin abide;
Earth is not the glad forever
Where the soul is satisfied. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling

Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling: Finding Hope in the Promise of Peace

In the midst of life’s struggles and challenges, there are moments when we long for the strife to cease. We yearn for a world free from sorrow and pain, where true peace reigns. This hymn, “Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling,” beautifully captures this sentiment and reminds us of the hope we have in the promise of a better future.

The verse begins by acknowledging the weariness of the soul, sighing under the weight of earth’s sorrows. It speaks to our longing for an end to the daily battles we face and a longing for rest and contentment. But in the midst of our despair, there is a sweet foretelling, a whispered promise that gives us hope. It assures us that soon, the Prince of Peace will come.

The chorus resonates with the longing in our hearts. It declares that when the King of kings descends in glory, accompanied by angels, and the azure sky is rent apart, we shall be satisfied. This satisfaction is not fleeting or temporary; it is a deep and lasting fulfillment that comes from being in the presence of God.

As we through life, we often find ourselves burdened by the world’s complaints and weighed down by ceaseless cares. We wonder if there is any rest remaining for us. But amidst our questions and doubts, the hymn encourages us to remember that there is hope. We are reminded to have faith and to trust in God’s timing.

Patience becomes our ally as we wait for God’s appointed time. We are encouraged not to murmur or complain about the length of our stay in this world. Instead, we are called to trust, knowing that one day, we will dwell with Him. It is an assurance that no matter how long the wait may seem, it will be worth it in the end.

The hymn reminds us that we are not alone in our longing for a place of true satisfaction. It affirms that those who are born of God, those who have accepted and embraced His , cannot willingly abide in sin. We are reminded that the pleasures and comforts of earth are not the ultimate source of satisfaction. We are destined for more than what this world can offer.

The title itself, “Soul amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling,” captures the essence of the hymn. It speaks to the experience of the human soul, existing amidst the struggles and sorrows of this earthly life. It acknowledges the pain and hardships we encounter, while also pointing us towards the hope and fulfillment we find in God.

This hymn serves as a reminder that our current circumstances do not define us. While we may be dwelling in a world filled with sorrow and suffering, we are not bound to it. Our soul’s true home is in the presence of God, where we will find everlasting peace and satisfaction.

In conclusion, “Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling” is a hymn that speaks to the yearning in our hearts for a world without strife. It gives voice to our longing for fulfillment and peace. Through its powerful lyrics, this hymn reminds us that our satisfaction does not come from the temporary pleasures of this world, but from our future dwelling with God. It invites us to trust in His promises, to wait , and to find hope in the assurance of a brighter tomorrow.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find hope and fulfillment in the promise of peace with Soul Amid The Earth Sorrows Dwelling. Discover lasting satisfaction in God's presence and trust in His timing.


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