Tag Archives: hell

Arise My Soul My Joyful Powers – Hymn Lyric


Arise, my soul, and rejoice in God’s glorious grace! Lift your voice and proclaim His love. Find security in His everlasting arms and stand firm on the Rock of ages. Shielded by salvation, fear not the enemy’s attacks. Let hallelujahs resound to praise our Savior and King. Embrace His love, find comfort in His presence, and experience everlasting joy. Let us arise, sing with joy, and proclaim the marvelous works of our God. Celebrate His grace and shine His light in this world. Rejoice, for we are blessed and redeemed.

The Soul Is Free – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of choice and embrace your God-given freedom. "The Soul Is Free" hymn reminds us that we have the ability to shape our destinies and choose our paths in life. Explore the profound meaning behind our gift of free will and the responsibility that comes with it. Choose wisely and embrace the boundless love and guidance of our Creator.

Discover the power of choice and embrace your God-given freedom. “The Soul Is Free” hymn reminds us that we have the ability to shape our destinies and choose our paths in life. Explore the profound meaning behind our gift of free will and the responsibility that comes with it. Choose wisely and embrace the boundless love and guidance of our Creator.

Come See The Place Where Jesus Lies – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound story of Jesus' burial and resurrection in the hymn "Come

Experience the profound story of Jesus’ burial and resurrection in the hymn “Come, See the Place Where Jesus Lies.” Journey into love, faith, and hope as you witness the raw emotions of the faithful few. Explore the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and find comfort in the promise of eternal rest.