Take Every Sin To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
In “Take Every Sin To Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible power of forgiveness and redemption. No sin is too great for Jesus’ blood to cover, and his love is everlasting. By yielding our hearts to Jesus and accepting him as our Savior, we can find forgiveness, strength, and eternal love. So don’t let guilt and shame hold you back, take every sin to Jesus and experience the freedom and joy of his saving grace.
Table of Contents
Take Every Sin To Jesus – Hymn Lyric
Take ev’ry sin to Jesus,
Who died on Calv’ry’s tree,
For He will freely pardon,
And give you liberty.
Take ev’ry sin to Jesus,
Before His altar bow;
Take ev’ry sin to Jesus,
And He will save you now.
Take ev’ry sin to Jesus-
The blackest stain of all,
His blood can fully cover
The deepest, darkest fall.
His grace is all sufficient
To give you victory,
His love will be your portion
Throughout eternity.
Then yield your heart to Jesus,
The One who loves you so;
And let Him be your Saviour
Wherever you may go.
Meaning of Take Every Sin To Jesus
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to feel weighed down by the mistakes we make. Sometimes, we find ourselves burdened by the guilt and shame of our actions. But there is hope, my friends, and his name is Jesus.
In the beautiful hymn “Take Every Sin To Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible power of forgiveness and redemption that Jesus offers to each and every one of us. It tells a story of a Savior who died on Calvary’s tree, bearing the weight of our sins so that we may find pardon and freedom.
Imagine a world where every mistake, every wrong choice, and every sin could be taken to Jesus and be forgiven. It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? But here’s the amazing part: it is true. We have the privilege and the opportunity to take every sin to Jesus, to lay it all at his feet, and find forgiveness and salvation.
We all carry sins, whether big or small. Sometimes, we may even feel like our sins are too great, too dark, or too shameful to be forgiven. But here’s the beautiful truth: no sin is too black or too dark for Jesus’ blood to cover. His sacrifice on the cross was an act of love that can reach even the deepest and darkest falls.
No matter what we’ve done, no matter how far we’ve strayed from the path of righteousness, Jesus is patiently waiting for us with open arms. His grace is sufficient, meaning it is more than enough to give us victory over our sins. When we take every sin to Jesus, we are not just receiving forgiveness, but we are also receiving the strength and power to resist temptation, to overcome our struggles, and to live a life that is pleasing to him.
But it doesn’t just end there. Jesus’ love isn’t just a one-time gift. It is a love that will be our portion throughout eternity. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we are embracing a love that will never fade away, that will never diminish. His love is everlasting, and it will guide and support us through every high and low, every joy and sorrow.
So how do we take every sin to Jesus? It’s as simple as yielding our hearts to him. It means opening up our hearts to his love, surrendering our lives to his guidance and direction. Jesus is not just a Savior that we can turn to in our time of need, but he is a friend who desires to walk with us every step of the way. When we let him be our Savior, we can find comfort, peace, and assurance wherever we may go.
Next time you find yourself burdened by the weight of your sins, remember the beautiful words of this hymn. Take every sin to Jesus, before his altar bow. Take every sin to Jesus, and he will save you now. He is waiting, my friends, to extend his forgiveness and love to you. Don’t let guilt and shame hold you back any longer. Take every sin to Jesus, and experience the freedom and joy that comes with his saving grace.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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