Take The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Take the world for Jesus - Embrace the mission of spreading love and light. Discover the transformative power of divine love within and share it with the world. Start your journey today.

Take The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the sacred call to “Take the world for ,” let us journey inward and embrace the transformative power of love and grace. As we find healing and renewal within ourselves, we become bearers of light to others, spreading hope and compassion in every interaction. Together, let us raise the bright standard high not as conquerors, but as ambassadors of divine love, making the world a kinder, more loving place for all.


Take The World For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Take the world for Jesus, sound the great cry,
Let the mighty chorus ring;
Take the world for Jesus, raise the bright standard high,
As we shout, as we march, as we sing.

Let the story roll around the world,
Ev’rywhere let joy ,
Since the sacrifice of Christ our
For the sins of the world doth avail.

Let all the nations now in Him rejoice,
Who hath by His precious
Redeemed us, and prepared a mansion
In the bright land above.

Out on the mountains of sin and despair,
Millions are perishing, needing our care;
Shall we not send them the message today?
Shall we not help without further delay?

Tell them of Jesus Who rose from the ,
Tell them of Jesus the Mighty to Save;
Plenteous in Him doth abound,
Cleansing and healing in Jesus are found.

Take the world for Jesus, sound the great battle cry,
Let the mighty chorus ring;
Take the world for Jesus, raise the bright standard high,
As we shout, as we march, as we sing.


Meaning of Take The World For Jesus

In the quiet moments of our days, when the bustling world falls away and we are left with our thoughts and hearts laid bare, we often find ourselves face to face with the deepest longing of our spirits. It is in these sacred silences that we ponder our purpose, our place in the tapestry of life, and the path we have been called to walk. Today, I invite you to journey inward, to explore the sacred call to “Take the world for Jesus” with hearts open and souls tuned to the whispers of the divine.

This ancient and profound hymn echoes the rallying cry to spread love and light throughout the world, a mission that goes beyond mere words or actions but delves into the realm of deep, heartfelt transformation. To “Take the world for Jesus” is not to conquer, but to embrace with compassion the vast, intricate web of humanity with all its flaws and beauty.

In our quest for spiritual growth, we must first look within. How do we carry the essence of this mission in our hearts and lives? It begins with acknowledging our own vulnerabilities, the places within us that crave healing and understanding. We must recognize that, like the millions in the “mountains of sin and despair,” we, too, have known times of and doubt. In this recognition lies the seed of compassion, both for ourselves and for others.

To truly share the message of hope and salvation, we must first allow ourselves to be transformed by it. What are the shadows that linger in your soul? What are the fears that hold you back from living fully? Embrace these parts of yourself with tenderness, for they are integral to your journey. In the warmth of self-acceptance, we find the courage to let go of our masks and stand in the light of our true selves.

As we walk this path of self-discovery and acceptance, we are reminded that we are not alone. The love and grace of the Divine accompany us, offering healing and renewal. Like the hymn proclaims, “Cleansing and healing in Jesus are found.” Allow this truth to seep into your spirit, to wash over your wounds and fill the empty spaces with a deep, abiding peace.

When we have tasted this sweetness for ourselves, we naturally become bearers of this light to others. The call to share the “Gospel story” is not merely about speaking words, but about living them. It is about becoming a living testament to the transformative power of love and grace. It is seeing the divine spark in every soul we encounter and reaching out with the same compassion and care we have received.

Imagine a world where this ethos of love and acceptance prevailed. A world where every heart, no matter how broken, found solace and redemption. This is the vision we are called to hold and strive towards. As the hymn urges, let us raise the bright standard high, not as a banner of conquest, but as a beacon of hope.

In our daily interactions, let us be mindful of the opportunities to extend kindness and support. Let our actions be the embodiment of the love we profess, and our lives a reflection of the divine light within us. Every smile, every gentle word, every act of generosity becomes a note in the mighty chorus that rings out into the world.

Beloved, as we shout, as we march, as we sing this hymn in our hearts, let us do so with the awareness that we are all part of a greater mosaic, each piece vital and cherished. Let our lives be a testament to the transformative power of divine love and the boundless potential for healing and renewal.

May we walk forward with courage and compassion, embracing our humanity and sharing the light we have found, making the world a kinder, more loving place for all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Take the world for Jesus - Embrace the mission of spreading love and light. Discover the transformative power of divine love within and share it with the world. Start your journey today.


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