Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came – Hymn Lyric
Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came: Bringing Hope and Redemption to the World The hymn “Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came” beautifully captures the essence of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the importance of sharing the story of His compassion, redemption, and salvation with others. In a world filled with suffering and oppression, it is crucial to tell this story again and again, offering hope and solace to those in need.
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Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came – Hymn Lyric
Tell the glad story of Jesus who came,
Full of compassion, the lost to reclaim;
Tell of redemption thro’ faith in His name:
Tell the glad story again!
Tell it again! Tell it again!
Tell the glad story to suffering man;
Tell it, oh tell it, again!
Tell the glad story where, sad and oppressed,
Many in bondage are sighing for rest;
Tell them in Jesus they all may be blessed:
Tell the glad story again!
Tell the glad story with patience and love,
Urging the lost ones His mercy to prove;
Tell them of mansions preparing above:
Tell the glad story again!
Tell the glad story when Jordan’s dark wave
Calls our loved ones its billows to brave.
Tell them that Jesus is mighty to save:
Tell the glad story again!
Meaning of Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came
Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came: Bringing Hope and Redemption to the World
The hymn “Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came” beautifully captures the essence of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the importance of sharing the story of His compassion, redemption, and salvation with others. In a world filled with suffering and oppression, it is crucial to tell this story again and again, offering hope and solace to those in need.
Jesus came to this world full of compassion, with a mission to reclaim the lost souls. His love knows no bounds, and He offers redemption to all who put their faith in His name. As believers, it is our duty to tell this glad story to suffering humanity. There are countless individuals out there who are trapped in bondage, longing for rest from their burdens. It is our responsibility to reach out to them, telling them that in Jesus, they can find true blessing and freedom.
When sharing the glad story, let us do so with patience and love. Each person’s journey of faith is unique, and it may take time for them to fully comprehend and accept the message of Jesus’s salvation. It is essential to treat others with kindness and understanding, urging the lost ones to experience the mercy and grace that Christ offers. We should approach each interaction with empathy, knowing that we were once lost too, and it is by God’s grace that we have found our way.
Furthermore, as we tell the glad story, let’s not forget to mention the eternal reward awaiting those who believe in Jesus. There are mansions being prepared for us in heaven, a place where there will be no more pain, sorrow, or suffering. By sharing this message, we instill hope in the hearts of those who feel hopeless. It is a reminder that our current struggles are temporary, and there is a glorious future awaiting us, all thanks to Jesus Christ.
Even in the face of death, we shouldn’t shy away from telling the glad story. When our loved ones face the daunting journey of crossing the river Jordan, we can assure them that they are not alone. Jesus, who is mighty to save, will be right there with them, guiding and comforting them every step of the way. Death loses its sting when we embrace the hope and assurance of eternal life in Christ.
In conclusion, the hymn “Tell The Glad Story Of Jesus Who Came” reminds us of the profound importance of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. By sharing His story, we bring hope, redemption, and salvation to a world in desperate need. We should approach this task with patience, love, and understanding, knowing that each person’s journey of faith is unique. Let us never tire of telling the glad story, for it is through sharing the message that we can truly make a difference in the lives of others.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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