Tender Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the tender love of Jesus - a pure

Tender Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The tender love of is a pure and beautiful love that fills our hearts with strength, , and peace. It drives away doubts and shame caused by sin, making us witnesses to His holy name. With joy, our hearts about this love that surpasses all other things in life.


Tender Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Tender love of Jesus, so lovely and so pure;
Flowing thru this vessel to strengthen, fill and cure
All the doubt and turmoil that’s caused by sin and shame,
Making me a to His most holy Name.

Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!
Thru the passing ages flowed down this love ,
Lighting men and angels and causing them to shine,
What a ‘nly radiance, His from above,
Sunshine of the , the holy of love.

Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!
Tender love from Heaven in Jesus came to live,
Showing us how God , and then His life to give;
Came to be a servant, with God’s great pow’r and peace
Leads us to the Father, Whose love will never cease.

God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.
Love is mine in Jesus, this Babe of Bethlehem,
Prince of Peace forever, the Christ, the great I Am.
Angels gave the message, and shepherds passed it on,
Love will be the story when Heav’n and earth are gone.

God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.


Meaning of Tender Love Of Jesus

The tender love of Jesus is a beautiful and pure love that flows through our hearts and fills us with strength, healing, and peace. It is a love that drives away all doubts, turmoil, and shame caused by sin, and makes us witnesses to His most holy Name.

As we ponder upon the love of Christ, we realize that it is not just any ordinary love. It is a love that is pure, great, and filled with joy. It is a love that surpasses all other things in life and makes them grow dim in comparison. This love is what our hearts sing about, for it brings us true joy and fulfillment.

Throughout the passing ages, this divine love of Christ has been flowing down to mankind and even to the angels. It is a love that brings heavenly radiance and causes men and angels to shine. It is like sunshine to the Spirit, illuminating our lives with the light of love.

This love did not come to us by chance. It came from Heaven in the form of Jesus, who came to live among us and show us how God loves. His life was a testimony of God’s great power and peace. He came to be a servant, leading us to the Father whose love knows no bounds and will never cease.

The love of God is truly amazing. It is like an ocean, with its vast waves reaching out for us. Jesus came to be the embodiment of this love, enabling us to experience its depths and be transformed by it. It is through Him and His love that we find true fulfillment and purpose in life.

Jesus, the Babe of Bethlehem, is not just an ordinary baby. He is the Prince of Peace, the Christ, the great I Am. His birth was proclaimed by angels and it was shepherds who spread the message. Love is at the core of His story, and it will continue to be the story when Heaven and Earth have passed away.

The love of God is sweet and it comes from above. It is a love that knows no boundaries and is never-ending. Its waves continue to reach out to us, constantly reminding us of His presence and His desire for us to experience His love.

So let us open our hearts to the tender love of Jesus. Let us allow His love to flow through us, filling us with strength, healing, and joy. For in His love, we find true peace and fulfillment that surpasses all understanding. May His love be the guiding light in our lives, leading us closer to the Father whose love knows no bounds. Let us share this love with others, spreading the message of God’s great love to all who will listen.

In conclusion, the tender love of Jesus is a love that is pure, great, and filled with joy. It is a love that has been flowing down through the ages, bringing heavenly radiance and causing men and angels to shine. It is a love that came from Heaven in the form of Jesus, who showed us how God loves and gave His life for us. This love is like an ocean, with its waves reaching out to us and bringing us into its depths. It is a love that is sweet, like a gentle breeze from above. May we always cherish and embrace this tender love of Jesus, for in His love, we find true peace and fulfillment.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the tender love of Jesus - a pure, great, and joy-filled love that heals, strengthens, and brings peace. Witness the power of His love and share it with the world. Discover true fulfillment in His embrace.


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