The Day Approaches O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Prepare yourself for the approaching day of judgment with this powerful hymn. Use each moment wisely to be ready when the Judge appears. Let's support each other and grow in faith together.

The Day Approaches O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

The day approaches, and we must be prepared for judgment. Let’s use our time wisely and support each other as we await the Judge’s arrival. Together, let’s , seek approval from the Lord, and strengthen our faith for the day that is approaching.


The Day Approaches O My Soul – Hymn Lyric

The day approaches, O my soul!
The great decisive day,
Which from the verge of mortal life
Shall bear away.

Another day more awful dawns,
And, lo, the Judge appears.
Ye ‘ns, retire before his face;
And sink, ye darken’d stars.

Yet does one short preparing hour,
One precious hour remain:
Rouse thee, my soul, with all thy pow’r,
Nor let it pass in vain.

With me, my brethren soon must die,
And at his bar appear:
Then be our intercourse improv’d
To mutual comfort here.

For this, thy temple, Lord! we throng:
For this, thy board surround.
Here may our service be approv’d,
And in thy presence crown’d.


Meaning of The Day Approaches O My Soul

My dear friends, have you ever thought about the day when we will all have to face judgment? It’s a big day that is approaching, and it’s important for us to be prepared for it. This hymn reminds us that there is only a short time left to get , so we must use every moment wisely.

When the Judge appears, the heavens and the stars will tremble before Him. It’s a powerful image that reminds us of the gravity of the situation. But there is hope in the midst of it all. We still have time to prepare ourselves and make sure we are ready to face that day.

We are reminded that we are not alone in this . We are all in this together, and we can support each other as we get ready for that day. Let’s use our time wisely to strengthen our bonds and each other grow in faith.

As we gather in this of worship, let’s remember why we are here. We to seek approval from the Lord and to be in His presence. Let’s make the most of this time and offer our service with sincerity and devotion.

So, my friends, let’s not waste a single moment. Let’s rouse ourselves and use all our power to prepare for the day that is approaching. Let’s make the most of the time we have left and ensure that we are ready to face the Judge when He appears.

May our time together be filled with mutual comfort and support. Let’s make the most of our interactions and use them to build each other up in faith and love.

The day is , my friends. Let’s make sure we are ready for it. Let’s use this hymn as a reminder to make the most of our time and prepare ourselves for the great day that is approaching. Let’s support each other, worship together, and grow in faith as we wait for the day when we will face the Judge.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Prepare yourself for the approaching day of judgment with this powerful hymn. Use each moment wisely to be ready when the Judge appears. Let's support each other and grow in faith together.


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