The Heart That Once Has Jesus Known – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of returning to Jesus after straying away. His love and mercy are always available

The Heart That Once Has Jesus Known – Hymn Lyric

No matter how far you’ strayed, the heart that once has known can always find its way back to Him. Don’t let past mistakes or regrets hold you back, for it’s never too late to turn back to the one who loves you unconditionally. Trust in His mercy and grace, and allow Him to make all things new in your .


The Heart That Once Has Jesus Known – Hymn Lyric

The heart that once has Jesus known
And turned again,
Finds soon the joys of sin are flown
Though sharp the sting remain.

The that once has walked with him,
Then left his ,
Can only find earth’s glitter dim,
Its promise quenched in night.

In vain you strive to drown the thought
Of what you might have been;
Earth’s pleasures are too dearly bought,
Its sorrows all too keen!

Backslider, hear! God speaks your name,
It is not yet too late;
The Lord in mercy tarries yet,
He has not closed the gate.

We do believe that Jesus can
Restore his work in you.
His touch will full salvation give;
He maketh all things new.

O rise at once! delay no more,
Nor hesitate, nor doubt,
If you but leave your sin and come,
He will not cast you out.


Meaning of The Heart That Once Has Jesus Known

Have you ever felt lost or alone, like you’ve turned away from something or someone you once knew? Maybe you’ve strayed from the path that once brought you joy and peace. But let me tell you, it’s never too late to turn back to Jesus.

The hymn speaks of a heart that has known Jesus and then turned away, only to find that the pleasures of sin are fleeting and empty. The soul that once walked with Him but strayed finds that the glitter of the dims in comparison to His guiding light. It’s a powerful reminder that earthly pleasures are temporary and can never truly satisfy the longing in our hearts.

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve missed out on what could have been, if you’ve felt the weight of regret and sorrow, that God is waiting for you with open arms. He hasn’t given up on you, and it’s never too late to come back to Him. His mercy and love are always available to you, no matter how far you’ve strayed.

So if you’re feeling lost or burdened by your mistakes, don’t hesitate to turn back to Jesus. He is and willing to restore you, to give you a fresh start. His touch can bring full salvation and make all things new in your life.

Don’t delay any longer, don’t let doubt or fear hold you back. If you leave behind your sin and come to Him, He will welcome you with love and forgiveness. It’s a promise that you can hold onto, a hope that shines bright even in the darkest of nights.

So rise up, dear friend, and come back to the one who has never stopped loving you. Let go of the past and embrace the future that He has in store for you. Trust in His grace and let Him lead you back to the joy and peace that only He can bring.

Remember, the heart that once has Jesus known can always find its way back to Him. So don’t give up hope, don’t despair. He is waiting for you, ready to welcome you home with open arms.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of returning to Jesus after straying away. His love and mercy are always available, offering a fresh start and full salvation. Don't hesitate, come back to Him today.


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