The More I Learn About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the depth of Jesus's love and compassion in this inspiring content. Learn to trust Him and reflect His light in your life. Embrace His love today.

The More I Learn About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “The More I Learn About Jesus” reminds us of the deep and unchanging love that Jesus has for us. As we grow in our knowledge of Him, we see His compassion, humility, and faithfulness shining through. By seeking to reflect His love and grace in our lives, we can draw closer to Him and experience the true joy of walking in His presence.


The More I Learn About Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The more I learn about Jesus,
The more I know He loves me;
His love is greater and stronger
Than human love can be.

The more I live in His presence,
The more His trueness appears,
The more I’m learning to trust Him,
Through all the changing years.

I long for greater compassion,
I would more sympathy show,
And be more tender and holy,
More of His fullness know.

I would be gentle and lowly,
Display His love so ,
And have submission and ,
And more of His life in mine.

The more with Him in communion,
The nearer heaven I rise;
And sweeter far is our union
Than any human ties.

I thirst for more of His ,
His will to work in my soul:
I want to be in His image,
While ceaseless ages roll.


Meaning of The More I Learn About Jesus

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is to know that Jesus loves you more than anyone else ever could? It’s pretty mind-blowing when you really stop and think about it. The hymn we just sang talks about how the more we learn about Jesus, the more we see just how deep His love for us truly is.

When we take the time to read about Jesus’s life and teachings in the , we begin to understand the lengths He went to show His love for us. From healing the sick to comforting the brokenhearted, Jesus’s actions were always filled with love and compassion. And the best part is, His love is always there for us, no matter what.

As we continue to spend time in His presence through prayer and worship, we start to see just how true and faithful He is. We can trust Him with our hopes and fears, knowing that He will always be there to guide us through the ups and downs of life. And the more we trust Him, the more we can see His love working in and through us.

One of the things that really stands out about Jesus is His compassion. He always had a heart for the marginalized and the hurting, showing us what true empathy looks like. As we seek to be more like Him, we can ask for His in being more caring and to those around us. By sharing His love with others, we can truly reflect His light in this world.

And let’s not forget about humility. Jesus showed us the ultimate example of humility when He willingly sacrificed Himself for our sins. He calls us to follow in His footsteps, serving others with gentleness and meekness. By humbling ourselves before Him, we can open our hearts to receive more of His grace and love.

When we spend time in communion with Jesus, we are drawn closer to Him in ways that we can’t even imagine. Our relationship with Him becomes sweeter and more intimate, surpassing any earthly bond we may have. It’s in those moments of closeness that we can feel His Spirit working in us, shaping us into His image day by day.

As we strive to be more like Jesus, we can rest in the assurance that He is always there to help us along the . His love is unchanging and everlasting, guiding us through every season of life. And as we continue to learn and grow in our faith, we can trust that He will be with us every step of the .

So let’s seek to know Jesus more deeply, to love Him more fully, and to reflect His light more in this world. With His help, we can become vessels of His love and grace, shining examples of His goodness to all those around us. And as we on in our faith, we can look forward to the day when we will see Him face to face, knowing that His love will never fade away.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the depth of Jesus's love and compassion in this inspiring content. Learn to trust Him and reflect His light in your life. Embrace His love today.


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