The More I Think Of Jesus And His Wondrous Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of Jesus' love and sacrifice with heartfelt reflections. Let His incredible love fill your heart and soul with gratitude and joy. The more you think of Jesus

The More I Think Of Jesus And His Wondrous Love – Hymn Lyric

Thinking about and His wondrous fills our hearts with joy and . His on the cross reminds us of the immense love He has for us, bringing tears to our eyes. We eagerly await His return, knowing that He intercedes for us and watches over us with care. The more we of Jesus, the more we realize how blessed we are to have Him in our lives.


The More I Think Of Jesus And His Wondrous Love – Hymn Lyric

The more I think of Jesus
And His wondrous love revealed,
The more my heart with rapture thrills,
It cannot be concealed;
My soul o’erflows with gratitude,
I cannot but sing
Love’s praises for ‘s precious Lamb,
My Lord, my coming King.

The more I think of Jesus,
The more I think of Him,
The more He satisfied my heart,
While things of earth grow dim.

I think of days so sinful,
Before I knew my Lord;
My lost estate, my empty life,
Which could no afford;
A broken law, a righteous Judge,
An endless hell to shun,
It makes me love my Savior more,
Because of what He’s done.


The more I think of Jesus,
As He suffered on the tree,
And feel that He was dying there,
My Lord, on Calvary;
It seems my heart would fain still,
My scalding tears fast fall,
When I, while prostrate at His feet,
Behold my Lord, my all.


The more I think of Jesus,
As upon His Father’s throne
He intercedes on my behalf-
So guilty and undone;
My eyes look up with confidence
The more I hail the day,
When He appears in mighty pow’r,
To take His Bride away.



Meaning of The More I Think Of Jesus And His Wondrous Love

Oh, how wonderful it is to think of Jesus and His amazing love for us! The more we meditate on His love and all that He has done for us, the more our hearts overflow with joy and gratitude. It’s like we just can’t contain the excitement and thankfulness that we feel towards our Savior.

When we think about how Jesus saved us from our sins and gave us a second chance at life, it’s like our hearts can’t help but sing praises to Him. We think back to the days when we were lost and without hope, when our lives were empty and we couldn’t find peace anywhere. But thanks to Jesus, all of that has changed. He has filled our hearts with His love and light, and now the things of this world just don’t seem as important anymore.

And when we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, our hearts are moved with compassion and gratitude. We think about how He suffered and died for our sins, how He took our place and paid the price for our salvation. It brings tears to our eyes to think about the immense love that He has for us, His beloved children.

But it doesn’t end there – Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us and watching over us with love and care. We can look up to Him with confidence, knowing that He is always there for us, ready to help us and guide us in our daily lives. And we eagerly await the day when He will come back in all His glory to take us home with Him, to live in eternal joy and peace.

So let’s keep on thinking about Jesus and His wondrous love, let’s keep on meditating on His goodness and faithfulness. Let’s let our hearts be filled with His love and our mouths be filled with praises for our Lord and Savior. The more we think of Jesus, the more we realize just how much He means to us, and how blessed we are to have Him in our lives. His love truly knows no bounds, and for that, we are eternally .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of Jesus' love and sacrifice with heartfelt reflections. Let His incredible love fill your heart and soul with gratitude and joy. The more you think of Jesus, the more you'll be amazed by His unwavering love for you.


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