The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace – Hymn Lyric
“The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace” is a hymn that speaks to the journey of a new believer in the gospel, comparing them to a blooming tree under the radiant presence of Jesus. It highlights the initial joy and innocence of faith, free from fear and conflict. However, it also acknowledges that this blissful state will eventually be tested by sin and challenges, leading the believer to recognize their dependence on God’s grace and giving Him all the praise.
Table of Contents
The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace – Hymn Lyric
The new-born child
of gospel-grace,
Like some fair tree
when summer’s nigh,
Beneath Emmanuel’s shining face,
Lifts up his blooming branch
on high.
No fear he feels,
he sees no foes,
no conflict yet his faith employs,
Nor has he learned
to whom he owes,
The strength and peace
his soul enjoys.
But sin soon darts
its cruel sting,
And comforts sink
from day to day:
What seemed his own,
a self-fed spring,
Proves but a brook
that glides away.
When Gideon armed
his numerous host,
The Lord soon made
his numbers less;
And said, lest Israel
vainly boast,
“My arm procured
me this success.”
Thus will he bring
our spirits down,
And draw our ebbing
comforts low,
That saved by grace,
but not our own,
We may not claim
the praise we owe.
Meaning of The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace
The hymn “The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace” speaks to the journey of a person who has just embraced the teachings of the gospel. This individual is compared to a blooming tree, standing tall beneath the radiant presence of Emmanuel, which is another name for Jesus.
In this beautiful imagery, the hymn describes how this new believer feels no fear and sees no enemies. Their faith has not yet been tested, and they have not yet understood the true source of the strength and peace that they now enjoy. It is a time of innocent bliss, free from the conflicts and challenges that often arise in the Christian walk.
However, as the hymn suggests, this state of bliss is not meant to last forever. Soon, sin enters the picture, and the comforts and joys that seemed everlasting begin to fade away. What once felt like a self-sustaining spring of happiness is revealed to be nothing more than a fleeting brook, slipping through their fingers.
The hymn draws a parallel to the biblical story of Gideon and his numerous army. When faced with the Midianites, the Lord instructed Gideon to reduce his army significantly, so that when they emerged victorious, the glory would belong solely to God. Similarly, the hymn suggests that our spirits are brought low and our comforts diminish, so that we may recognize that our salvation and blessings come from God alone.
It is through this humbling process that we come to understand that our strength and peace are not of our own making. We cannot claim credit for the grace that has saved us. It is only through the unmerited favor of God that we are able to experience these blessings.
As the hymn suggests, this journey of realizing our dependence on God’s grace is not always easy. It can be painful to see our comforts ebb away and confront our own limitations. However, it is through these trials that our faith is refined and strengthened.
In this context, the title “The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace” takes on even deeper meaning. We are like newborn infants, just beginning to understand the vastness of God’s grace and the implications it has for our lives. We are helpless and in need of constant care and nurturing from our Heavenly Father.
But alongside this vulnerability, there is also hope. Just as a newborn child has the potential to grow and flourish, so too do we, as new believers in the gospel of grace. Our journey has only just begun, and with God’s guidance and help, we have the opportunity to blossom into something beautiful and impactful.
In conclusion, “The Newborn Child Of Gospel Grace” hymn beautifully captures the essence of a believer’s journey. It reminds us that our initial joy and innocence will inevitably be tested by sin and challenges. But through this process, we come to recognize our dependence on God’s grace and the need to give Him all the glory and praise. May we embrace this journey of growth and rely on His strength to guide us every step of the way.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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