The Newborn Child This Early Morn – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the birth of Jesus with "The Newborn Child This Early Morn" hymn. Find hope and comfort in the reconciliation of God and humanity

The Newborn Child This Early Morn – Hymn Lyric

“The Newborn Child This Early Morn” hymn beautifully captures the joy and significance of the of Jesus Christ. With lyrics expressing hope and comfort, it invites us to embrace the new year with faith and optimism, knowing that God is with us and ready to guide and protect us. This hymn reminds us of the power of God’s love and reconciliation through his son.


The Newborn Child This Early Morn – Hymn Lyric

The new-born Child this early morn,
The Christ-child of virgin born,
Again brings from His heavenly home
A new year to all Christendom.

This causes joy to angels fair,
Who love to keep us in their care;
They that in this wondrous Child
God now with man is reconciled.

Since God is reconciled with men,
What harm can do us then?
O’er Satan and the gates of hell
This Christ-child shall for us prevail.

He brings the year of jubilee!
Why doubt we yet despondently?
Cheer up! This is a joyous day,
The Christ-child drives all care away.


Meaning of The Newborn Child This Early Morn

In the beautiful hymn, “The Newborn Child This Early Morn,” we are reminded of the joy and significance of the birth of Jesus Christ. The lyrics express a message of hope and comfort, and invite us to embrace the new year with a sense of faith and optimism.

The hymn begins by painting a picture of the miraculous birth of the Christ-child, who is described as being born of a virgin. This imagery serves as a powerful reminder of the divine nature of Jesus and his special purpose in the world. As we reflect on this truth, we can’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the miracle of .

The hymn goes on to suggest that the birth of Jesus brings joy to the angels, who watch over and protect us. These heavenly beings are depicted as and celebrating the reconciliation between God and humanity that is made possible through the birth of Christ. This reconciliation signifies a profound shift in the cosmic order, as God bridges the gap between and earth, offering salvation to all who believe in him.

With this understanding, the hymn encourages us to consider the implications of God’s reconciliation with humanity. If God is to go to such lengths to mend the broken relationship between himself and mankind, what harm can Satan or any other forces of evil truly do to us? The birth of Jesus is depicted as a triumphant moment, signaling the ultimate victory over darkness and sin.

This victorious message is further amplified as the hymn tells us that the Christ-child will prevail over Satan and the gates of hell. This promise, rooted in the power and authority of Jesus, gives us confidence and reassurance in the face of trials and challenges that may arise throughout the new year. We can find solace in the knowledge that Jesus has already conquered all that seeks to harm us.

As the hymn progresses, it proclaims the arrival of a new year of jubilee. The concept of jubilee in biblical times was a year of celebration and freedom, when debts were forgiven, slaves were released, and land was returned to its original owners. By using this imagery, the hymn invites us to view the upcoming year as a time of release from burdens and a restoration of hope.

Therefore, there is no reason for doubt or despondency. Instead, the hymn encourages us to embrace the joyousness of the present moment. The birth of Jesus, symbolized by the Christ-child, has the power to drive away all cares and worries. We are reminded that Jesus to bring light into our lives, dispelling the darkness that may surround us. By focusing on his love and presence, we can find comfort and peace in the midst of life’s challenges.

In conclusion, “The Newborn Child This Early Morn” is a hymn that encapsulates the joy and significance of the birth of Jesus Christ. Its lyrics remind us of the immense love and reconciliation that God offers through his son, and encourage us to approach the new year with hope and optimism. By embracing the message of this hymn, we can find comfort and reassurance in knowing that God is with us, always ready to guide and protect us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the birth of Jesus with The Newborn Child This Early Morn hymn. Find hope and comfort in the reconciliation of God and humanity, and embrace the new year with optimism and faith.


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