The Old Rugged Cross Yes I Love It – Hymn Lyric
“The Old Rugged Cross Yes I Love It: A Symbol of Love, Sacrifice, and Redemption” celebrates the deep meaning of the old, rugged cross. Despite its burdens and shame, the cross represents Jesus’ ultimate act of love and sacrifice for us. It serves as a badge of discipleship, reminding us of the way to a kingdom and crown – the way of the cross.
Table of Contents
The Old Rugged Cross Yes I Love It – Hymn Lyric
The old, rugged cross!
Yes I love it,
Its burdens, reproaches and shame;
And naught else on earth do I covet,
But to bear it for Jesus’ name.
The old, rugged cross,
Yes, the old, rugged cross,
‘Tis the badge of discipleship here;
And the way to a throne, and a kingdom and crown;
As the way of the cross shall appear.
The old, rugged cross,
I will cherish;
He bore it up Calvary’s hill;
He bore it that I might not perish,
I’ll bear it in love for His will.
The old, rugged cross,
Highest honor
E’en granted to creature of God,
To bear the great Conqueror’s banner,
I’ll gladly “pass under the rod.”
The cross of my Christ, the Anointed,
The badge of redemption from sin,
Its reproach maketh all those appointed,
Crowns and kingdoms eternal to win.
Meaning of The Old Rugged Cross Yes I Love It
The Old Rugged Cross Yes I Love It: A Symbol of Love, Sacrifice, and Redemption
Oh, the old, rugged cross! It holds a special place in my heart. I can’t help but love it, despite the burdens, reproaches, and shame that it represents. You see, the cross symbolizes the ultimate act of love and sacrifice – Jesus giving His life for us. And that’s the kind of love that moves mountains, that changes lives.
When I think about the cross, I can’t help but be reminded of Jesus’ journey up Calvary’s hill. He bore that heavy cross so that I might not perish. It’s a remarkable act of love that I could never fully comprehend. And because of His sacrifice, I am filled with a deep desire to bear it for His name, to carry His mission forward.
The old, rugged cross is not just a symbol of love; it is also a badge of discipleship. It represents a commitment to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to live a life of selflessness and compassion. It serves as a reminder that the way to a throne, a kingdom, and a crown is through the way of the cross.
You might wonder, why would anyone want to bear such a burden? Well, dear reader, the answer lies in the transformation that occurs when we embrace the cross. It is through the challenges and trials that we grow, that we become better versions of ourselves. Just as Jesus passed under the rod, we too gladly go through the refining process, knowing that it leads to a life filled with purpose and meaning.
Sometimes, society may view the cross as a symbol of weakness or defeat. But let me tell you something – it’s quite the opposite. The cross is the highest honor that God grants to His creation. It is a privilege to bear the great Conqueror’s banner, to stand firm in our faith and proclaim the victory that Jesus achieved on that rugged cross.
Indeed, the cross of my Christ, the Anointed, is the badge of redemption from sin. It is through His sacrifice that we are saved, that we are set free from the chains of guilt and shame. And in embracing the reproach of the cross, we become part of a grand plan – a plan to inherit crowns and kingdoms eternal.
So, my friend, let us cherish the old, rugged cross. Let it remind us of the deep love of God, of the sacrifice that was made for our sake. Let it inspire us to bear our own crosses, to walk with courage and faith, knowing that the way of the cross leads to abundant life.
As we embrace the old, rugged cross, let us remember that it is not just a symbol or an ornament. It is a testament to the power of love, a beacon of hope in a world that often feels dark. And as we carry our crosses, let us do so with love for His will, trusting that His plans are greater than we can ever imagine.
In conclusion, the old, rugged cross holds immense significance in the hearts of believers. It symbolizes love, sacrifice, and redemption – qualities that resonate deeply within us. So let us cherish this symbol, this reminder of the price paid for our freedom, as we walk the path of discipleship, knowing that the way of the cross shall ultimately lead us to victory.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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