The Promise Of My Fathers Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the everlasting goodness of the promise of my Fathers love. Embrace this unwavering covenant

The Promise Of My Fathers Love – Hymn Lyric

“The Promise of My Father’s : A Testament of Goodness” is a hymn that reminds us of the unwavering promise and love from our Heavenly Father. This covenant, sealed with the sacrifice of His Son, holds immense value, even though we may feel undeserving. Through this promise, we can find forgiveness, strength, and a sense of belonging, knowing that we are part of a legacy that was purchased with a selfless act of love.


The Promise Of My Fathers Love – Hymn Lyric

The promise of my Father’s love
Shall stand for ever good:
He said, and gave his to death,
And seal’d the grace with blood.

To this dear cov’nant of thy word
I set my worthless name;
I seal th’engagement to my Lord,
And make my claim.

Thy light, and strength, and pard’ning grace,
And glory shall be mine;
My and soul, my heart and flesh,
And all my pow’ers are thine.

I call that legacy my own,
Which Jesus did bequeath;
‘Twas purchas’d with a dying groan,
And ratifi’d in death.

Sweet is the mem’ry of his name,
Who bless’d us in his will,
And to his testament of love,
Made his own life the seal.


Meaning of The Promise Of My Fathers Love

The Promise of My Father’s Love: A Testament of Everlasting Goodness

Have you ever heard of a promise so great, so unwavering, that it stands for all eternity? Well, my friends, let me tell you about the promise of my Father’s love. It is a promise that was sealed with the most gift imaginable – the sacrifice of His own Son, who gave His soul to death so that we may know His grace and love.

In this hymn, we are reminded of the covenant, the sacred agreement between our Father in Heaven and us. It is a covenant that holds immense value, even though we may feel unworthy of such a gift. It is in this realization of our own worthlessness that we can truly grasp the depth and magnitude of His love for us.

As I read through these verses, I am overcome with a sense of gratitude and humility. I am reminded that it is through this covenant that I can find light, strength, and the forgiveness that I so desperately . It is through this covenant that my life, my soul, my heart, and even my flesh belong to Him. All my powers, all that I am, is His.

You see, my friends, this legacy, this precious inheritance, was not simply handed to us without sacrifice. It was purchased at the cost of a dying groan, a selfless act that cost our Savior His very life. And to truly understand the significance of His love for us, we must recognize that it was ratified in death. In the ultimate act of love and devotion, Jesus made His own life the seal of this testament of love.

As we reflect upon the memory of His name and the blessings He has bestowed upon us, we cannot help but be reminded of the incredible testament of love that is His will. Through His will, we receive the abundance of His love and grace, an inheritance that surpasses any earthly possession we may acquire.

My dear friends, this promise of my Father’s love is not simply a concept to be marveled at, but a truth that fuels our daily lives. It is a promise that we can hold onto in times of and times of hardship. It is a promise that gives us hope for a brighter future, for the promise of His love stands for all eternity.

So let us embrace this promise, my friends. Let us rejoice in the covenant we have with our Heavenly Father. And as we go about our days, let us remember that we are not alone. We have been chosen, we have been loved, and we have been given an inheritance that is beyond measure.

May this hymn be a constant reminder of the promise of my Father’s love in your life. May it you comfort, hope, and a sense of belonging. And may you fully grasp the everlasting goodness that comes from this unfailing love.

Remember, my friends, you are cherished, you are loved, and you are part of a promise that will always be good. Embrace it, live it, and share it with the world. The promise of my Father’s love is yours to claim.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the everlasting goodness of the promise of my Fathers love. Embrace this unwavering covenant, sealed with sacrifice, and find hope in the ultimate testament of love. Claim your inheritance today.


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