The Savior Is Calling You Sinner – Hymn Lyric

Answer the call of the Savior: Receive His grace and find redemption. Jesus is calling sinners to draw near

The Savior Is Calling You Sinner – Hymn Lyric

Answer the Savior’s Call and Receive His Grace: The hymn “The Savior Is Calling You, ” conveys a powerful message of ‘s love and salvation. It urges sinners to draw near, accept Jesus by faith, and experience transformation through His grace. Don’t hesitate to respond to the Savior’s call and find true and fulfillment in His love.


The Savior Is Calling You Sinner – Hymn Lyric

The Savior is calling you, sinner-
Urging you now to draw nigh;
He asks you by faith to receive Him;
Jesus will help if you try.

Jesus will help you, Jesus will help you,
Help you with grace from on high;
The weakest and poorest the Savior is calling;
Jesus will help if you try.

Thro’ Him there is life in believing;
Sinner, O why will you die?
Accept Him by faith as your Savior;
Jesus will help if you try. [Refrain]

The Savior is calling you, wand’rer–
Points you to mansions on high;
Return to the path that leads homeward;
Jesus will help if you try. [Refrain]

There’s danger in longer delaying,
Swiftly the moments pass by;
If now you will come, there is mercy;
Jesus will help if you try.


Meaning of The Savior Is Calling You Sinner

The Savior Is Calling You, Sinner: Answer His Call and Receive His Grace

In the hymn “The Savior Is Calling You, Sinner,” the powerful message of God’s love and salvation is conveyed. This heartfelt invitation from the Savior himself urges sinners like you to draw near, receive His grace, and experience the profound transformation that comes with accepting Jesus into your life.

The verses of this hymn remind us that Jesus is always there, reaching out to us, regardless of our shortcomings or past mistakes. He calls upon sinners to come to Him by faith, assuring us that He will help us if we only try. The refrain emphasizes the boundless aid and grace that Jesus offers, no matter how weak or poor we may feel.

It is important to understand that through Jesus, there is life in believing. The hymn asks the question, “Sinner, O why will you die?” This is a plea for those who have not yet accepted Jesus as their Savior to consider the consequences of turning away from His love and salvation. With faith, we can accept Jesus as our Savior and experience His transformative power in our lives.

If you are a wanderer, lost and uncertain of your path, the hymn offers reassurance. Jesus points you to mansions on high, symbolizing the home He offers to those who return to the path that leads homeward. It is a reminder that no matter how we may have strayed, Jesus is always there, ready to guide us back to Him.

The hymn emphasizes the urgency of answering the Savior’s call without delay. It urges us not to waste time, for swiftly our moments pass by. Each moment is an opportunity to accept God’s mercy and experience His redemptive love. By accepting Jesus into our hearts, we can receive the forgiveness and salvation that He freely offers.

Now, you may be wondering, what exactly does it mean to accept Jesus by faith? It means acknowledging our need for a Savior and turning away from a life of sin. It means putting our trust in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, believing that His death and resurrection offer us redemption and eternal life. Accepting Jesus means inviting Him into our lives, allowing Him to transform us from the inside out.

The beauty of this invitation from the Savior is that it is available to everyone, regardless of our past or present circumstances. It is not just for the strong or the wealthy; it is for the weakest and poorest among us. Jesus’ love knows no bounds, and His desire to help us extends to all who are willing to try.

So, dear sinner, if you find yourself hearing the Savior’s call, do not hesitate to respond. The hymn reminds us that there is mercy for us if we now choose to come to Jesus. He is ready and willing to extend His loving hand, ready to shower us with His grace and forgiveness.

In a where we often feel lost and disconnected, the Savior’s call is a of hope. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed, we are never beyond His reach. By answering His call and accepting His grace, we can experience the transformative power of His love and find true peace and fulfillment.

In conclusion, the hymn “The Savior Is Calling You, Sinner” is an invitation to all who are willing to respond. It reminds us that Jesus is always there, ready to help us if we only try. Through Him, we can find life, salvation, and the path that leads us homeward. So, dear sinner, do not delay any longer. Answer the Savior’s call, accept His grace, and experience the life-changing power of His love in your own life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer the call of the Savior: Receive His grace and find redemption. Jesus is calling sinners to draw near, accept Him by faith, and experience His transformative love. Do not delay any longer, respond to His call and find true peace and fulfillment.


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