The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and gratitude in the tranquil embrace of the night. "The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended" hymn explores gratitude

The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended – Hymn Lyric

“The Sun Has Gone Down And Has Descended: Embracing Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Rest” is a that beautifully captures the tranquility of the evening and the importance of expressing gratitude for the blessings of the day. It reminds us to seek forgiveness for our wrongdoings and find solace in restful sleep. Through this hymn, we learn the power of gratitude, forgiveness, and rest in bringing peace to our hearts and minds.


The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended – Hymn Lyric

The sun has gone down and peace
has descended on and town;
The songbirds in silence have flown
to their nest,
And flowers are closing their
petals in rest;
So closes my heart to annoyance
and care,
In homage and ‘r,
In homage and pray’r.

I praise for this day The Father
in who prospered my way,
Who shielded from danger, protected
from harm,
Promoted my labor, and strengthened
my arm;
For hours that passed lightly as
birds on the wing,
Thanksgiving I bring,
Thanksgiving I bring.

Forgive me, O Lord, My and
transgressions in deed and in word!
Thou knowest my heart and my
innermost thought,
The words I have spoken, the deeds
I have wrought,
My errors and failings I deeply
Forgive and restore,
Forgive and restore!

I ask for no more; My light I
extinguish and fasten the door,
And seeking my chamber, betake me
to rest;
Assured that my slumber this
will be blest,
I fondly confide to Thy care
and control
My body and soul,
My body and soul.


Meaning of The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended

The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended: Embracing Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Rest

As the vibrant hues of the sunset fade into the horizon, and the tranquil night blankets both country and town, a sense of peace settles upon the world. In this moment, when the songbirds find solace in their nests, and the delicate petals of flowers gently close, I am reminded of the power of stillness and the opportunity it brings to reflect upon the blessings of the day. Just as nature withdraws into a state of rest, my heart, too, seeks respite from the worries and troubles that clutter my mind.

Gratitude fills my being as I kneel in homage and prayer, paying tribute to the Father in heaven who has so graciously guided me throughout this day. His watchful eye has shielded me from danger and protected me from harm. With each challenge I faced, He strengthened my weary arm, enabling me to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Oh, how I am truly grateful for the hours that flitted by, as light and carefree as birds soaring through the sky!

With a heart, I now turn to the Lord, asking for forgiveness for the sins and transgressions I have committed in both word and deed. He alone knows the depths of my innermost thoughts, the unkind words I have spoken, and the actions that have caused harm. It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge my errors and failings, and yet, I take solace in the knowledge that His mercy knows no bounds. I humbly seek His grace, asking Him to forgive my shortcomings and to restore my troubled soul.

In this moment of reflection, I ask for no more than the forgiveness and restoration that the Lord graciously offers. With a sense of reverence, I extinguish the flickering flame of my worries and anxieties, symbolized by a metaphorical light. As the day’s activities draw to a close, and I retreat to the sanctuary of my chamber, I am certain that the sleep which awaits me will be a peaceful one. I place my utmost trust in the care and control of the Almighty, surrendering both my body and soul to His loving embrace.

In this hymn, “The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended,” we find a profound message of gratitude, forgiveness, and rest. It beautifully captures the essence of a peaceful evening, where nature finds tranquility and our hearts are invited to do the same. Through the verses of this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of expressing gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us throughout the day. We come to understand that no matter the challenges we face, there is always something to be thankful for.

Moreover, this hymn teaches us the significance of seeking forgiveness for our transgressions. It shows us that while we may stumble and falter along our , we possess the capacity to recognize our wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness. In doing so, we open the door to reconciliation, allowing ourselves to be restored and .

Finally, “The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended” reminds us of the restorative power of rest. As day turns to night, we are encouraged to leave behind the worries and concerns that often consume us. By embracing stillness and finding solace in our chambers, we can experience a rejuvenating slumber, knowing that our bodies and souls are cocooned in divine care.

In conclusion, let us cherish this precious hymn, celebrating the peace that descends upon us when the sun sets. May we always remember the importance of gratitude, forgiveness, and rest in our lives. With hearts full of thanksgiving and minds open to forgiveness, let us find solace in the gentle embrace of sleep, knowing that we are held in the loving hands of our Creator.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and gratitude in the tranquil embrace of the night. The Sun Has Gone Down And Peace Has Descended hymn explores gratitude, forgiveness, and rest. Surrender your worries and embrace divine care for a peaceful slumber.


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