The Tide Of Jesus Mighty Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of Jesus' mighty love. Trust in His guidance and find solace in His unfailing grace. Embrace the beacon of hope in the tide of God's love.

The Tide Of Jesus Mighty Love – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “The Tide of Jesus’ Mighty Love,” we are reminded of the powerful and all-encompassing love of Jesus. This love is compared to a tide, rising and flowing around us, providing guidance, safety, and salvation. As we navigate through the storms of life, we are encouraged to trust in ‘s love and let Jesus be our guide. The hymn emphasizes the importance of trusting in God, steering towards , and making the most of the present moment to find redemption and in His love.


The Tide Of Jesus Mighty Love – Hymn Lyric

The tide of Jesus’ mighty love,
Is at its flood tonight;
Beneath, around us and above,
Behold it at its height.

O shipwrecked sailor out at sea,
Behold heav’n’s ,
And on the floodtide of God’s love,
Come safely into night.

Come in, come in, trust thou bark,
To waves that God controls;
Steer t’ward His beacon thro’ the dark,
The port of pardoned souls.

O haste to catch the fav’ring wind,
Turn thou thy bark t’ward shore;
And leave the dang’rous deep behind
Forever, .

Make haste, O soul before the tide
Sets out again to sea;
Let Christ across the waters wide,
Tonight thy pilot be.


Meaning of The Tide Of Jesus Mighty Love

In the hymn “The Tide of Jesus’ Mighty Love,” we are reminded of the powerful and all-encompassing love of Jesus. This love is compared to a tide, rising and flowing around us, providing guidance, safety, and salvation. As we navigate through the storms of life, we are encouraged to trust in God’s love and let Jesus be our guide.

The imagery of a shipwrecked sailor out at sea, desperately in need of a beacon of light, resonates with many of us who have felt lost and alone. Just like the sailor, we too can look to heaven’s beacon light and find in the floodtide of God’s love. This love is a constant source of comfort and assurance, guiding us through the darkest times and leading us safely into the embrace of God’s mercy.

The of the hymn emphasizes this message, calling out to the shipwrecked sailor to behold the beacon light and trust in God’s love. It is a reminder that no matter how lost we may feel, there is always a way back to safety, forgiveness, and grace.

The hymn also urges us to put our trust in God and navigate our way towards the port of pardoned souls. Just as a sailor must carefully steer their ship towards a safe harbor, we too must steer our lives towards the path of righteousness, guided by the light of God’s love. It is through this trust and in God that we can find redemption and find our way back to the safety and peace that comes from being in His presence.

There is a sense of urgency in the hymn, urging us to make haste and catch the favoring wind towards the shore. This encourages us to seize the opportunity for salvation and not to delay in making amends with God. The dangerous deep is a metaphor for the temptations and sin that can take us away from God’s love. By leaving these dangers behind and turning towards God, we can find lasting peace and security.

The final verse of the hymn encourages us to make haste before the tide sets out to sea again. This is a reminder that life is fleeting and opportunities for reconciliation may not always be present. We are urged to make the most of the present moment and allow Christ to be our guide across the waters wide. Through our faith in Him, we can find the strength and courage to navigate the challenges of life, knowing that we are never alone.

In summary, “The Tide of Jesus’ Mighty Love” is a hymn that speaks to the transformative power of God’s love in our lives. It reminds us to trust in His guidance, seek His forgiveness, and navigate towards the safety and peace that come from being in His presence. The imagery of a shipwrecked sailor and the urgency conveyed in the hymn serve as reminders for us to seize the present moment and embrace the love and salvation that Jesus offers. May we always trust in the tide of Jesus’ mighty love and find solace in His unfailing grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of Jesus' mighty love. Trust in His guidance and find solace in His unfailing grace. Embrace the beacon of hope in the tide of God's love.


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