The Wondrous Work The Lord Has Done – Hymn Lyric
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The Wondrous Work The Lord Has Done – Hymn Lyric
The wondrous work the Lord has done
Let every voice proclaim!
And for the work of grace begun,
The wondrous battle fought and won,
Give glory to His name!
We pleaded for the Spirit,
He came in mighty power;
We pleaded for the droppings,
And lo, He sent the shower!
Unto the Lord doth praise belong,
O tell it everywhere!
Let every ransomed soul prolong
The loud hosannah of the song–
The Lord doth answer prayer! [Refrain]
We’ll sing the power of Jesus’ name,
And His atoning blood;
Today and evermore the same,
The vilest sinner to reclaim,
And bring Him back to God. [Refrain]
Let every heart and every tongue
As one united host
Praise God for what His arm hath done-
Praise God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Holy Ghost! [Refrain]
Meaning of The Wondrous Work The Lord Has Done
The hymn “The Wondrous Work the Lord Has Done” is a joyful proclamation of the incredible things that God has accomplished. It encourages every voice to join in praising the Lord and giving glory to His name. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the power of prayer and the transformative work of grace in our lives.
The first verse celebrates the wondrous work of grace that has been initiated and the victorious battle that has been won. It calls us to give glory to the name of the Lord. In this, we see that our salvation is not something we can earn or achieve on our own, but it is a gift from God that deserves nothing less than our praise and thanksgiving.
The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the significance of the Spirit’s presence and the answer to prayer. We are reminded of the power and might that comes from the Holy Spirit, as well as the blessings that come through our prayers. It encourages us to plead for the presence and blessings of the Lord, knowing that He is faithful to respond.
The second verse brings our focus to the power of Jesus’ name and His atoning blood. It reminds us that through His sacrifice, even the vilest sinner can be reclaimed and brought back to God. This is a message of hope and redemption, showing us that no matter our past mistakes or sins, we can find forgiveness and restoration through Jesus.
As we move to the final verse, we are urged to join together as one in praising God. Every heart and every tongue is called to unite in giving thanks for what His arm has done. This includes praise to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. It highlights the unity and greatness of the triune God, and the important role each person of the Trinity plays in our lives.
Overall, this hymn serves as a beautiful reminder of the wondrous work that God has done and continues to do in our lives. It encourages us to lift our voices in praise and to share the good news of His grace with others. It is a call to remember the power of prayer and to seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And most importantly, it reminds us of the incredible redemption and reconciliation we have through Jesus Christ. Let us join together in singing this hymn and proclaiming the wondrous work the Lord has done!
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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