Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of surrender in "Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores." This heartfelt hymn explores the challenges of staying faithful amidst worldly distractions. Find strength in fully devoting yourself to God. Dive deeper into your spiritual journey.

Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores – Hymn Lyric

“Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores” is a hymn that expresses a heartfelt desire to surrender one’s and mind to God. The author acknowledges the challenges of staying faithful and the allure of worldly distractions, but ultimately finds strength in surrendering completely to the Lord. This hymn serves as a reminder to believers that we can overcome the distractions of the world by seeking a deeper connection with God and relying on His saving power.


Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores – Hymn Lyric

Thee, dearest Lord, my soul adores,
I would be thine, and only thine;
To thee, my heart and all its pow’rs,
With full consent, I would resign.

But ah! this weak inconstant mind,
How frail, how apt from thee to stray!
Trifles, as empty as the wind,
Can tempt my roving thoughts .

Sure I am thine – or why this load
When earthly vanities beguile?
Why do I mourn my absent God,
And languish for thy cheering smile?

If thou return, how sweet the joy,
Though mixed with penitential smart!
Then I despise each tempting toy,
And long to give thee all my heart.

Come, Lord, thy saving pow’r display,
(Resistless pow’r of love divine!)
And drive thy hated foes away,
And make me thine, and only thine.


Meaning of Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores

Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores: Finding Strength in Surrender

In the hymn “Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores,” the author expresses a deep longing to be wholly dedicated to the Lord. The verses convey a heartfelt desire to surrender one’s heart and mind to God, recognizing the challenges of the human condition and the need for divine guidance and support. This hymn beautifully encapsulates the universal struggle of staying faithful and resisting the allure of worldly distractions.

Verse I reminds us of the profound love and the author feels for the Lord. The choice of the word “dearest” conveys a sense of intimacy and deep affection. It’s a declaration of wanting to belong exclusively to God. This opening verse sets the tone for the entire hymn, emphasizing the strong desire to be solely committed to the Lord.

However, in Verse II, the author acknowledges the frailty of human nature. The mind is portrayed as weak and prone to straying from the of . The distractions of the world are likened to empty trifles, as insubstantial as the wind. This acknowledgment the challenges faced by believers in remaining focused on their amidst the temptations and allure of the secular world.

Verse III delves deeper into the struggle faced by the author. There is a sense of inner conflict, as the individual mourns the absence of God in their life. Earthly vanities and trivialities take precedence, causing distress and a longing for the comforting presence of the Lord. This verse highlights the innate human desire for a deeper connection with the Divine and the experienced when that connection feels distant.

However, in Verse IV, the author finds hope and in the potential return of God’s presence. The joy that comes with God’s return is described as sweet, despite the accompanying awareness of one’s shortcomings and the need for repentance. As the author experiences the rekindling of their relationship with God, the trivial temptations lose their charm and significance. The desire to fully surrender one’s heart to the Lord becomes fervent and overpowering.

Finally, in Verse V, the author petitions the Lord to display His saving power. There is a clear recognition of the need for divine intervention in order to resist the temptations and distractions that pull the author away from their devotion. The plea to drive away the “hated foes” is a metaphorical representation of the tangible and intangible barriers that hinder their complete surrender to God. The author’s desire to be completely claimed by Him is conveyed powerfully, as they yearn to be made the Lord’s alone.

“Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores” serves as a reminder of the human struggle to remain steadfast in faith. The author’s journey from a longing for devotion to surrendering their heart entirely to God showcases the significance of divine intervention in this process. This hymn resonates deeply with individuals navigating the challenges of balancing their spiritual lives with the distractions of the world.

Throughout our lives, we are faced with countless distractions that vie for our attention and allegiance. Whether it’s the appeal of material possessions, societal pressures, or personal desires, these distractions can pull us away from our faith if we allow them to. This hymn encourages us to recognize the fragility of our minds and the potential for straying from our spiritual path.

By acknowledging our weaknesses, we open ourselves to the possibility of surrendering fully to God. In surrendering, we find strength. We find solace in knowing that God’s love and are always available to guide us back onto the right path when we falter. The hymn teaches us that it is through embracing our dependence on the Lord and seeking His help that we can overcome worldly distractions and fully devote ourselves to Him.

In conclusion, “Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores” is a beautifully written hymn that encapsulates the universal struggle of staying faithful amidst the distractions of the world. The author’s heartfelt longing to be wholly dedicated to the Lord resonates with believers of all ages. It serves as a reminder that we can find strength in surrender, by acknowledging our weaknesses and relying on God’s saving power. May this hymn inspire us to seek a deeper connection with the Divine and to surrender our hearts fully to the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of surrender in Thee Dearest Lord My Soul Adores. This heartfelt hymn explores the challenges of staying faithful amidst worldly distractions. Find strength in fully devoting yourself to God. Dive deeper into your spiritual journey.


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