There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The – Hymn Lyric

Spread love and hope through acts of kindness to reach perishing souls. Lift the cross to share Jesus' saving grace. Hail the dawn of a brighter world.

There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The – Hymn Lyric

Sea: Spreading Love and Through Acts of Kindness The hymn “There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The Sea” reminds us of the importance of reaching out to those in of love and hope. By sharing the message of Jesus’ saving grace and showing kindness to others, we can make a true impact on the lives of those around us. Let’s be like jubilant songs floating over the waves, spreading love and hope to perishing souls both near and far.


There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The – Hymn Lyric

There are souls, perishing souls, over the sea,
Perishing souls in our own native land;
Bearing the message of love everlasting and free,
Let us reach them a kind, helping hand.

Perishing souls, over the sea;
Jubilant songs floating over the waves,
Carry the , wonderful joy,
Carry the news, glorious news,
Jesus saves.

work, beautiful work, of light,
Gratefully tell of the Master we love,
Witnessing daily of him who hath scattered our ,
And prepares us for mansions above.


Lift the cross, Calvary’s cross! near and afar,
hearts shall acknowledge its power;
Hasten the day when the nations shall follow his star,
Hail the dawn of the bright, golden hour.



Meaning of There Are Souls Perishing Souls Over The

Sea: Spreading Love and Hope Through Acts of Kindness

Have you ever stopped to think about all the souls out there who are in need of love, hope, and a helping hand? Just like the hymn says, there are souls – perishing souls – over the sea, in our own native land, and all around the world. It can be easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about those who are struggling, but it’s important to remember that we can make a difference by reaching out and showing kindness to others.

One of the most beautiful and blessed works we can do as children of light is to share the message of love everlasting and free with those who need it most. Just like the lyrics of the hymn, we can be like jubilant songs floating over the waves, carrying the joy of Jesus’ saving grace. Whether it’s through a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand, we can make a true impact on the lives of those around us.

It’s easy to get caught up in our own problems and worries, but when we take the time to focus on others and share the love of Jesus, we not only brighten someone else’s day, but we also find joy and fulfillment in spreading kindness. And who knows, that small act of kindness could be the light that someone desperately needs in their .

One of the most powerful ways we can spread love and hope is by lifting the cross, Calvary’s cross, near and far. By sharing the message of Jesus’ sacrifice and love for us, we can help countless hearts acknowledge its power and find hope in their darkest moments. It’s a reminder that no matter what struggles we may face, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and a who is always there to guide us.

So let’s all join together in hastening the day when the nations shall follow His star and hail the dawn of the bright, golden hour. By being a beacon of love and hope in our communities and beyond, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are in need of a helping hand. Perishing souls over the sea, in our own native land – let’s reach out to them with kindness, compassion, and the message of Jesus’ saving grace. Let’s spread love and hope through acts of kindness, and make the world a brighter place for all. Carry the news, glorious news, Jesus saves – and we can be the messengers of that life-changing truth.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread love and hope through acts of kindness to reach perishing souls. Lift the cross to share Jesus' saving grace. Hail the dawn of a brighter world.


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