Theres An Anchor For The Soul – Hymn Lyric
In the face of life’s storms and difficulties, there is an anchor for the soul that brings peace and hope. This firm and steadfast hope can withstand any trial, keeping us safe and secure. So, let us embrace this blessed hope tightly and trust in its unwavering strength.
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Theres An Anchor For The Soul – Hymn Lyric
There’s an anchor for the soul,
Ever firm, ever sure;
Storms may beat and tempests roar,
But it shall endure:
Precious hope of endless life,
Glowing radiantly clear
Till the glories of the heav’nly land appear.
Blessed hope that keeps the soul
Safe from harm tho’ billows roll!
‘Tis fastened firm within the vail,
No storms against it can prevail,
Blessed hope that keeps the soul.
For the anchor of the soul
Ever steadfast and true,
Taking hold on things divine
That are hid from view,
Is the hope of glory bright
Which the Saviour has giv’n,
Hope that we may rest in peace with Him in heav’n.
And our lives fill’d with peace,
As, still hoping, we wait
For the parting of the vail
And the open gate;
Hope can lighten all the dark
Till the night flies away;
Firmly anchored we wait patiently for day.
Meaning of Theres An Anchor For The Soul
In life, we all face storms and tempests. Difficulties come our way, and it can feel like we’re being tossed around in a sea of uncertainty. But amidst all the chaos, there is something that can steady us, something that can keep us safe and secure. It is the anchor for the soul.
Just like a ship needs an anchor to stay in one place, our souls need something to hold onto when life gets tough. This anchor is ever firm and ever sure. It doesn’t waver or falter in the face of hardship. No matter how strong the storms may be, this anchor will endure.
What is this precious hope that gives us endless life? It is a hope that glows radiantly clear, like a guiding light in the darkness. It is a hope that never fades, leading us towards the glories of the heavenly land. With this hope, we can face anything that comes our way.
The refrain of the hymn reminds us of the power of this hope. It is a blessed hope that keeps our souls safe from harm, even when the billows of life roll against us. This hope is fastened firm within the veil, the unseen realm. No matter what storms may rage on the outside, nothing can touch or destroy this hope that resides within us.
What is it that makes this anchor so steadfast and true? It is the fact that it takes hold on things divine, things that are hidden from view. As humans, there is so much we don’t understand or can’t see. But this anchor reaches beyond our limited vision, connecting us to a higher power and purpose. It is a hope of glory bright, a hope that the Savior has given us.
With this hope, we can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. Even in the midst of waiting and longing, there is a sense of calm and serenity. We know that one day, the veil will part, and the gate to heaven will swing wide open. We eagerly anticipate that glorious moment, when we can fully rest in peace with our Savior.
While we wait, hope becomes our guiding light. It has the power to lighten all the dark moments in life. When everything seems hopeless and bleak, this anchor for the soul reminds us to hold on. It reminds us that the night will eventually give way to day.
With this firm anchor, we can wait patiently. We trust that our waiting is not in vain. Every day, as we cling to this hope, we become stronger and more anchored. It’s like being securely fastened to a rock, unable to be swayed by the tides of life.
So, dear friend, let us embrace this blessed hope that keeps the soul. Let us hold onto it with all our might, knowing that it will protect us from harm. No matter what storms come our way, we can rest assured that this anchor is unshakable.
In conclusion, there is an anchor for the soul that can bring us peace and hope in the midst of life’s storms. It is a firm and sure hope, ever steadfast and true. With this hope, we can face anything that comes our way. So, let us hold onto this blessed hope tightly, knowing that it will keep us safe, even when the billows of life roll against us.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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