There’s Music In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Melody of Joy and Salvation: Discover the beauty of finding your Savior and surrendering to His loving authority. Let the music in your soul inspire and uplift you. Embrace the blissful journey of salvation.

There’s Music In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“There’s Music In My Soul: A Melody of and Salvation” explores the profound happiness and gratitude that comes from finding a Savior and surrendering to His authority. The hymn speaks of a constant symphony playing in our souls, reminding us of the power of music to uplift and heal. It invites us to imagine melodies resonating within us and to join in the chorus of grateful praise.


There’s Music In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Since I have found my Savior,
Bowed to His control;
There’s everlasting music
Ringing in my soul.

There is music in my soul,
Oh, there is music in my soul;
‘Tis my glory ever singing,
Heaven’s balm has made me whole;
There is music in my soul,
Oh, let the happy tidings roll;
Let it roll, let it roll,
Oh, there’s music in my soul.

I of my ,
Happy in the way;
He sweetly tunes the ,
Singing all the day.
I love to sing the story,
Jesus makes me whole;
For I can feel His glory
Singing in my soul.

Since I have been translated,
Heaven’s anthems roll;
In sweet accord with joyful
Music in my soul.
The angels sing in heaven,
Let the praises roll;
There’s music in creation,
Music in my soul.


Meaning of There’s Music In My Soul

There’s Music In My Soul: A Melody of Joy and Salvation

When I sing the hymn “There’s Music In My Soul,” it fills my heart with abundant happiness and gratitude. It speaks of the wonderful experience of finding my Savior and surrendering to His loving authority. From that moment on, there has been a beautiful and everlasting melody resonating deep within my being.

Imagine, reader, the sound of heavenly music playing in your soul. Can you hear it? Can you feel the joyous notes dancing within you? That’s how I feel, and it’s simply incredible. This hymn reminds me of the power of music to uplift, inspire, and heal.

Let us dive into the lyrics and explore the profound meaning behind each verse. In the first verse, the hymn echoes the sentiment that once we find our Savior and submit ourselves to Him, there is a constant symphony playing in our souls. It is an everlasting source of joy and fulfillment, reminding us of the beautiful journey of salvation.

As I read the words, “There is music in my soul, Oh, there is music in my soul,” I am filled with a sense of wonder. The idea that my soul possesses its very own melody is breathtaking. It is as if a divine orchestra is playing a symphony of praise and thanksgiving within me.

The hymn continues to emphasize this glorious truth by declaring, “Tis my glory ever singing, Heaven’s balm has made me whole.” Just like a piece of music can heal our wounded hearts and lift our spirits, the presence of our Savior brings profound to our souls. His love, like a soothing balm, mends our brokenness and fills us with an everlasting sense of wholeness.

In the next verses, the hymn speaks of the joy of singing about our Redeemer. It is indeed a blissful experience to be tuned by Him, as the hymn portrays. When we allow our spirits to be attuned to the melody of His love and grace, we can’t help but sing His praises throughout the day. Our souls become a constant chorus of gratitude, enveloped in the brilliance of His goodness.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that we are not merely singing a story but expressing a truth that resonates deep within us. Jesus truly makes us whole, and we can feel His glory reverberating in our souls. It’s a sensation beyond words, dear reader, as if the very essence of our being is filled with a heavenly symphony.

The hymn goes on to describe the transformation that occurs when we become part of God’s family. We are translated, dear reader, from to light, from sorrow to joy. Heaven’s anthems roll within us, blending with our own joyful melody. It’s as if we have joined a celestial choir, singing in perfect harmony with the angels above.

And isn’t it awe-inspiring to about the celestial harmonies that exist beyond our earthly realm? The hymn invites us to imagine the angels singing in heaven, their voices joining together in harmonious praise. It is a testament to the power of music to connect us not only with our Savior but also with the heavenly realm itself.

But let’s not forget the beauty of the music found in creation. As we listen to the birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees, or the waves crashing against the shore, we can’t help but marvel at the symphony of nature. It is a constant reminder of the Creator and His in every aspect of our lives.

As I reflect on the hymn’s message, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. The fact that there is music in my soul, that I can experience the heavenly melodies within me, is a pure gift. It is a reminder of the love, grace, and joy that await us when we fully embrace our Savior and surrender our lives to His control.

So, dear reader, let the happy tidings roll! Let the music in your soul exclaim the beauty of salvation and the glory of the One who has made you whole. Embrace the melody of joy and sing along with the angels in heaven. Let the music of creation inspire and uplift you. And always remember, there’s music in your soul.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Melody of Joy and Salvation: Discover the beauty of finding your Savior and surrendering to His loving authority. Let the music in your soul inspire and uplift you. Embrace the blissful journey of salvation.


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