They Were In An Upper Chamber They Were – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of unity in the upper room as the disciples gather with one accord. Experience the Holy Ghost's descent and the promise of empowerment. Let's seek unity and God's power today.

They Were In An Upper Chamber They Were – Hymn Lyric



They Were In An Upper Chamber They Were – Hymn Lyric

They were in an upper chamber,
They were all with one accord,
When the Holy Ghost descended
As was promised by the Lord.

O Lord, send the pow’r just now,
O Lord, send the pow’r just now;
O Lord, send the pow’r just now
And every one.

Yes, the pow’r from Heav’n descended
With the sound of rushing wind;
Tongues of fire came down upon them,
As the Lord said He would send.

O Lord, send the pow’r just now,
O Lord, send the pow’r just now;
O Lord, send the pow’r just now
And baptize every one.

Yes, this old-time pow’r was given
To our fathers who were true;
This is promised to believers,
And we all may have it too.

O Lord, send the pow’r just now,
O Lord, send the pow’r just now;
O Lord, send the pow’r just now
And baptize every one.


Meaning of They Were In An Upper Chamber They Were

All With One Accord: The Power of Unity in the Upper Room

In the book of Acts, we find a beautiful account of a powerful moment that took in an upper chamber. The disciples of Jesus were gathered together, united in purpose and devotion. Little did they that this would be a pivotal moment in the history of Christianity.

As they waited in anticipation, the Holy Ghost descended upon them, fulfilling the promise made by the Lord. It was an extraordinary event, marked by a sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire. The power of God was manifested in their midst, and they were forever changed.

The hymn “O Lord, Send the Pow’r Just Now” captures the essence of this extraordinary moment. It speaks of the for the power of God to descend and baptize every believer. The power from heaven, symbolized by the tongues of fire, was a tangible manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

This power was not limited to the disciples alone. It was given to our fathers who were true, and it is promised to believers today. It is not an experience reserved for a select few, but a gift available to all who seek it with genuine hearts.

One of the key lessons we can learn from the upper room experience is the power of unity. The disciples were all with one accord. They set aside their differences, personal ambitions, and any divisions that may have existed among them. They came together in unity of purpose, seeking the promised power of God.

This unity was not easy to achieve. The disciples came from diverse backgrounds and had different personalities. Yet, they were able to put aside their differences and come together, recognizing the greater purpose at . They understood that in order to receive the power of God, they had to be united.

In today’s , we can often find ourselves divided by various factors – be it race, , politics, or personal beliefs. We tend to focus on our differences rather than finding common ground. However, the upper room experience reminds us of the power that can be unleashed when we come together with one accord.

Unity brings strength. Just as the disciples in the upper room received the power of God when they were united, we too can experience a greater measure of God’s power when we put aside our differences and come together. It is in our unity that the world can see the power and of God working in and through us.

In order to achieve this unity, we must first have a desire for it. We must be willing to let go of our own agendas and preferences for the sake of the greater good. We must be open to understanding and respecting differing perspectives, not seeking to impose our own views on others. Unity requires humility, love, and a willingness to and learn from one another.

Additionally, unity requires communication. The disciples in the upper room were in constant communication with one another. They shared their hopes, fears, and dreams. They prayed together and sought God’s guidance as a group. It is through open and honest communication that misunderstandings can be resolved and unity can be fostered.

Finally, unity requires a focus on the common goal. In the case of the disciples, their common goal was to receive the promised power of God. This goal united them and kept them focused on what truly mattered. When we have a common goal, it becomes easier to set aside our differences and work together towards a greater purpose.

As we reflect on the upper room experience, let us be reminded of the power and importance of unity. Let us strive to come together with one accord, seeking the power of God in our lives and in our communities. May we set aside our differences and focus on our common goal of spreading the love and message of Jesus to the world.

O Lord, send the pow’r just now. Let your power descend upon us as we gather together in unity. Baptize each one of us with your Holy Spirit, that we may be empowered to be your witnesses in a divided and hurting world. May our unity be a testimony to your love, and may it draw others into a relationship with you. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of unity in the upper room as the disciples gather with one accord. Experience the Holy Ghost's descent and the promise of empowerment. Let's seek unity and God's power today.


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