Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become" that praises Jesus for His incredible act of love and sacrifice to save us from eternal damnation. Find hope

Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become – Hymn Lyric

“Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become” is a that praises the incredible act of love and sacrifice by Jesus Christ, who became man to save us from eternal damnation. It reminds us of the hope and peace we find in Him, and the unbreakable bond we share as God’s . Let us lift our voices in praise and honor to Jesus Christ, our Savior.


Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become – Hymn Lyric

Thou, Jesus Christ, didst man become
From death us to deliver;
Thy pitying eye beheld our doom,
That we were lost forever;

Thou gavest hope in direst need,
When death and hell with gaping greed
Were ready to devour us.

Thou couldst not bear that Satan’s might
Had in its grasp enslaved us:
In pity thou didst for us fight,
And hast in saved us.

From heaven Thou cam’st for our release,
To purchase our eternal peace,
By bitter death and suffering.

And Thou hast taught us in Thy Word
That faith shall life inherit,
For Thou art merciful, O ,
And sav’st us by Thy merit,

If we but simply do believe
That all Thy children shall receive
The blessings Thou hast promised.

Our brother Thou art now become–
An honor beyond measure!
Thou wouldst our life with mercy crown,
And give us richest treasure.

The world’s contempt we need not fear,
God’s Son is now our brother dear:
What power can now destroy us?

All praise to Thee eternally,
For all Thy gracious favor;
We are God’s children now with Thee,
Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour!

Well may we one and all rejoice,
And praise our God with heart and voice;
He is our gracious Father.


Meaning of Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become

Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become: A Hymn of Hope and

In this hymn, we praise Jesus Christ for his incredible act of love and sacrifice – becoming a man to deliver us from death and save us from eternal damnation. It reminds us of the power and mercy of our Lord, and the hope and peace that come from believing in Him.

From the very beginning, Jesus Christ saw our desperate state. He looked upon us with His pitying eyes and recognized that we were lost forever. But instead of turning , He offered us hope when we needed it the most. Even when death and hell were ready to devour us, Jesus could not bear to see us enslaved by Satan’s might. In His mercy, He fought for us and ultimately saved us.

Can you imagine? The Son of God, coming from heaven itself, to purchase our eternal peace with His own bitter death and suffering. This hymn teaches us that through faith, we shall inherit life. Jesus, in His infinite mercy, saves us simply because we believe in Him and receive the blessings He has promised.

It is an incredible truth that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, has taken on the role of our brother. This is an honor beyond measure! He crowns our lives with mercy and , and He bestows upon us the richest treasures we could ever imagine. And with God’s Son as our brother, who can destroy us? We need not fear the world’s contempt because we are now children of God, united with Jesus in an unbreakable bond.

We cannot help but sing praises to Jesus Christ for His gracious favor. He has made us His children through His act of salvation, and we are forever grateful for this. With hearts filled with joy, we lift our voices to praise God, our gracious Father. He has given us the ultimate gift – eternal life with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

This hymn reminds us that no matter what we face in life, Jesus Christ is with us. He became man to understand our struggles, and He continues to guide and protect us every step of the . Through His teachings, we learn that faith in Him will bring us peace and salvation. It is through His Word that we find solace and hope.

Let us hold on to the promise of Jesus Christ, our loving Savior, and continue to believe in Him. Through Him, we find hope in the midst of despair, strength in the face of adversity, and everlasting love that will never fade. Jesus Christ, Thou who became man to save us, we will forever praise and worship You. May Your name be exalted above all else, now and for . Amen.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully expresses our and adoration for Jesus Christ, who became man to deliver us from death and save us from eternal damnation. It reminds us of the hope and peace we find in Him, and the unbreakable bond we now share as children of God. Let us sing praises to our gracious Father, for it is through His Son, Jesus Christ, that we receive the blessings of salvation. May His name be forever honored and glorified.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn Thou Jesus Christ Didst Man Become that praises Jesus for His incredible act of love and sacrifice to save us from eternal damnation. Find hope, peace, and salvation in Him.


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