Tis Better Far To Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

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Tis Better Far To Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis Better To Follow Jesus Embark on a of joy and satisfaction by following Jesus. In a world that offers temporary pleasures, Jesus provides everlasting fulfillment. Through hardships and sacrifices, we can find solace in His love and , ultimately experiencing the immeasurable joy of His kingdom.


Tis Better Far To Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis better far to follow Jesus
No matter where His may lead;
Than with the world’s vain fleeting pleasures
Our souls’ immortal longing feed;

For He has made us for His glory
And His are joys that never die;
‘Tis sweeter far to follow Jesus,
For He alone can satisfy.

What matter if the way be thorny,
Or if dark waves of sorrow roll?
Beside me walks my loving Saviour
And I safely reach the goal;

For me He bore the throne and scoffing,
It was for me He bled and died;
‘Tis sweet that I may share His sorrow
And walk forever at His side.

What matter while I walk with Jesus
If to Gethsemane I go,
and in the darkness of its shadows
The fulest cup of anguish know?

For me shall be the after sweetness
Of angels’ ministry and strength,
And tho’ the waters may be bitter
In heaven’s peace I’ll rest at length.

What matter if I at Calv’ry
And lay my life down for the lost?
‘Twas only what He did before me,
I’ll follow Him at any cost;

Then from the pain, and shame, and dying,
In glorious pow’r I’ll again
To share the glory of His kingdom
And evermore with Jesus reign.


Meaning of Tis Better Far To Follow Jesus

‘Tis Better Far To Follow Jesus: A Path of Joy and Satisfaction

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for happiness and contentment. We seek fulfillment in various places, chasing after the world’s fleeting pleasures. But there is a better way, a path that leads to everlasting joy and satisfaction. That path is to follow Jesus.

When we follow Jesus, we align ourselves with His purpose for our lives. He created us to bring glory to Him, and when we our will to His, we find a deep and lasting fulfillment that the world cannot provide. The pleasures of this world may bring temporary happiness, but they can never satisfy the longing within our souls.

Sometimes, the way may seem difficult, like walking through thorny paths. We may face hardships and waves of sorrow, but we need not fear. Jesus walks beside us, our loving Savior, guiding and protecting us. He knows the trials we face, for He Himself bore the weight of the world’s pain and suffering. Even in our darkest moments, He is there, holding us close and leading us safely to our ultimate goal.

In following Jesus, we may encounter times of deep anguish, like the experience in Gethsemane. Yet, even in the midst of our pain, we can find solace in knowing that angels minister to us and provide us with strength. The waters may be bitter, but in the peaceful embrace of heaven, we will find rest and tranquility.

As we walk the path of following Jesus, we may also face moments where we are called to sacrifice, just as He laid down His life for the lost. It may not always be easy, but we can trust that whatever cost we pay, it is nothing compared to the immeasurable price He paid for us. And just as Jesus triumphed over , we too shall rise with glorious power, sharing in the everlasting glory of His kingdom. We will reign with Him for eternity, experiencing a joy that knows no bounds.

So, dear friends, let us remember that it is truly better far to follow Jesus. In a world filled with temporary pleasures and fleeting happiness, He offers something far greater – a joy that transcends circumstances, a satisfaction that is eternal. Let us embrace His love, His guidance, and His sacrifice. Let us walk alongside Him, knowing that in His presence, we will find fulfillment and peace.

As we journey through life, may we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, for in Him alone do we find the true meaning of joy. Let our souls’ immortal longing be satisfied by following Him. ‘Tis sweeter far to follow Jesus, for He alone can truly satisfy our hearts.

In conclusion, my dear friends, may we choose the path of following Jesus, knowing that it leads to a life of joy, contentment, and everlasting satisfaction. Let us set aside the world’s vain pleasures and embrace the everlasting joys that come from walking in His footsteps. In doing so, we will experience a love and fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams. So let us take His hand and embark on this incredible journey together.


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