To Heaven My Longing Soul Aspire – Hymn Lyric

Long for heavenly bliss? Follow your soul's desire to aspire towards eternal joy and purity. Pursue the path of love and reach for the heavens above with ardent zeal.

To Heaven My Longing Soul Aspire – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a to heaven as your soul longs for eternal bliss. Keep your eyes fixed on the glorious world above, pushing through challenges with purity and love. Subdue temptations and towards the ultimate prize of eternal .


To Heaven My Longing Soul Aspire – Hymn Lyric

To heav’n, my longing soul! aspire,
And soar aloft with strong desire.
Here choose lot, here fix thy rest,
And aim for ever to be blest.

Still keep yon blissful world in view,
And close the glorious chase pursue.
The way leads up to rest above,
Through paths of purity and love.

This tack pursue with ardent zeal;
Each lust subdue, each foe repel.
Still stretch thy wings, and upwards rise
Eternal glory is the prize!


Meaning of To Heaven My Longing Soul Aspire

Have you ever felt a deep longing in your soul, a desire to reach for something beyond what you can see? That feeling of wanting to soar high above the troubles and worries of this world and find a place of everlasting bliss? That is exactly what the hymn “To Heaven My Longing Soul Aspire” is all about.

Imagine yourself like a bird, with wings ready to take flight towards a world of pure happiness and love. The journey may not always be easy, but the destination is more than worth it. So, why not set your sights on heaven and aim to be forever ?

As you embark on this quest, keep your eyes fixed on that glorious world above. Let it guide you as you make your way through the challenges and obstacles that may your way. Remember, the path to heaven is one of purity and love, so to walk in righteousness and towards others.

In order to reach your ultimate goal, you must be diligent in your efforts. Subdue any temptations or distractions that may try to lead you astray. firm against any enemies that seek to bring you down. Keep pushing yourself to rise higher and higher, for the reward of eternal glory awaits you at the end of your journey.

Just like a bird needs to stretch its wings and take flight, you too must push yourself beyond your limits. Don’t be afraid to dream big and aim high. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve greatness. Remember, heaven is not just a far-off place in the sky – it can also be found within your own heart and soul.

So, let your longing soul aspire to reach for the heavens above. Embrace the journey towards eternal bliss with open arms and a determined spirit. And always keep in mind that the pursuit of heaven is a noble and worthwhile endeavor. May you find peace, joy, and fulfillment as you follow the path of purity and love towards your heavenly goal.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Long for heavenly bliss? Follow your soul's desire to aspire towards eternal joy and purity. Pursue the path of love and reach for the heavens above with ardent zeal.


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