To Jesus Lifted Up On High – Hymn Lyric
“To Jesus Lifted Up On High” is a hymn that beautifully illustrates our connection to Jesus, drawing parallels to doves flying to their windows. Just as members are connected to their head and branches to a vine, we are united with Jesus, our source of life and beauty. When we stay connected to Him, we can grow in His love and bear fruit, sharing His light with others.
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To Jesus Lifted Up On High – Hymn Lyric
To Jesus, lifted up on High;
As Doves unto their Windows fly
We speed for Life and Peace:
His Blood, how pow’rfully it draws!
Now it hath quite remov’d the Cause
Of Sorrow and Distress.
As Members to their Head must join,
And Branches grow in their own Vine,
So are we in the Lamb:
Ours all his Beauty, Life, and Fruit,
On him we grow, our Head and root,
And hail the sacred Name.
Meaning of To Jesus Lifted Up On High
Have you ever heard the hymn “To Jesus Lifted Up On High”? It’s a beautiful song that talks about how we are drawn to Jesus, just like doves flying to their windows. When we come to Jesus, we find life and peace because His blood removes our sorrows and distress.
Just like branches grow from a vine and members are connected to their head, we are connected to Jesus. He is our source of beauty, life, and fruit. When we stay connected to Him, we can grow and flourish in His love and grace.
When we think about being lifted up to Jesus, we can imagine ourselves soaring towards Him like doves flying to their windows. It’s a comforting image that reminds us of the peace and joy we find in His presence.
As we lift our hearts and minds to Jesus, we can feel His love surrounding us and guiding us. His blood, shed for us on the cross, is a powerful reminder of His sacrifice for our sins. It is through His sacrifice that we find redemption and forgiveness, and the cause of our sorrow and distress is removed.
Just like branches need to be connected to the vine to grow and thrive, we need to stay connected to Jesus in order to receive His love, grace, and strength. He is our source of life, and when we remain in Him, we can bear fruit and share His love with others.
As members of the body of Christ, we are called to be united with Him as our head. He is the one who guides us, provides for us, and gives us purpose and direction. When we stay connected to Him, we can experience the fullness of His love and blessings in our lives.
So let’s take a moment to lift our hearts to Jesus, to praise His name and thank Him for all that He has done for us. Let’s remember that we are connected to Him, like branches to a vine, and that in Him we find life, peace, and joy. As we stay connected to Him, we can grow and flourish in His love and grace, spreading His light and hope to those around us.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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