Twas Love That Found Out Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love of our Redeemer in "Twas Love That Found Out Me." Learn how Jesus conquers death and loves us unconditionally.

Twas Love That Found Out Me – Hymn Lyric

“Twas That Found Out Me” is a hymn that tells the of how Jesus, our Redeemer, loves us unconditionally. This love goes beyond what we can imagine and brings us joy, assurance, and a sense of belonging. It is a love that seeks us out individually and continues to guide, support, and care for us.


Twas Love That Found Out Me – Hymn Lyric

I know that my Redeemer lives,
Oh, how He loves!
What joy the blest assurance gives!
Oh, how He loves!

‘Twas love, ’twas love, oh, it was love
That moved the mighty God!
Oh, ’twas love, ’twas love, ’twas love that found out me!

He lives, He lives, who once was dead,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives, my everlasting Head,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives, my mansion to prepare,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives to bring me safely there,
Oh, how He loves!

He lives, my hungry to feed,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives to help in time of need,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives, all glory to His name,
Oh, how He loves!
He lives my Savior still the same,
Oh, how He loves!


Meaning of Twas Love That Found Out Me

Have you ever felt loved? Like, really loved? It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it? Knowing that someone cares for you deeply and would do anything to make you happy. Well, let me tell you a story about a love that goes even beyond that. It’s a love that found someone special, someone like you and me.

In this hymn called “Twas Love That Found Out Me,” we get to learn about the incredible love of our Redeemer. Now, you might be wondering, who is this Redeemer? Well, let me tell you. The Redeemer is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who to earth to save us from our sins. And boy, does He love us!

The hymn starts by saying, “I know that my Redeemer lives.” Wow! Just about that for a moment. Our Redeemer, Jesus, is alive! He conquered death and lives on forever. And why did He do that? Because of love. Oh, how He loves us! This blessed assurance brings us so much joy. It’s like a hug that wraps around our hearts, making us feel safe and loved.

But why does Jesus love us so much? Well, as the hymn reminds us, it was love that moved the mighty God. Yes, you heard it right – God Himself is moved by love. He saw our brokenness and our need for a Savior, and His love compelled Him to send Jesus to us. It’s like when someone sees you struggling and offers a helping hand. Jesus found us in our brokenness and lifted us up with His love.

And it wasn’t just any kind of love. It was a love that found out each one of us individually. Can you believe that? In this great big world, with billions of people, Jesus sought you out personally. He knows everything about you – your joys, your fears, your dreams. Nothing is hidden from His loving gaze. It’s like having a best who knows you better than anyone else and still loves you unconditionally.

The hymn continues to paint a beautiful picture of the love of our Redeemer. It says that He lives to prepare a mansion for us. A mansion! Can you imagine that? Jesus is not just interested in saving us and leaving us on our own. No, He wants to give us a beautiful home, a where we will be safe and happy for all eternity. He wants to bring us safely there, guiding us every step of the way. That’s the kind of love that never gives up on us.

But it doesn’t stop there. Jesus also lives to feed our hungry souls. Have you ever felt empty inside? Like something is missing? Well, Jesus is the answer to that. He fills our hearts with His love, bringing us joy and peace. And when we’re in need, He’s always there to help us. It’s like having a superhero by your side, to rescue you whenever you cry out for help. That’s the kind of love Jesus has for us.

All glory to His name! Jesus, our Redeemer, is still the same. His love never changes, no matter what. It’s a love that is constant and everlasting. It’s a love that will never let us down. Oh, how He loves us!

So, my dear friend, as you go about your day, remember this hymn and the incredible love it speaks of. Know that you are loved beyond measure, that you are special and unique. Let this love fill your heart and overflow to those around you. And always remember, it was love that found out you and me, and it’s a love that will never let us go.

Keep shining and spreading love, my friend. You are cherished beyond words.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible love of our Redeemer in Twas Love That Found Out Me. Learn how Jesus conquers death and loves us unconditionally.


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