Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the meaning behind the hymn "Victory In Jesus" and the salvation found in His name. Trust in Him for forgiveness and experience true victory and joy. Share the joyful story of Jesus' victory!

Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name – Hymn Lyric

“Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name” is a beautiful that celebrates the incredible victory and salvation found in Jesus . It reminds us that our victory is not based on our own efforts, but on surrendering to Him and allowing Him to work in our lives. Through His love, Jesus saves us from condemnation, guilt, and fear, offering forgiveness, salvation, and purity. Let’s trust Him, share the joyful story of His victory, and live in victory each day.


Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name – Hymn Lyric

Victory in Jesus,
Vict’ry in his name;
Christ, the ‘s Redeemer,
All-atoning ,

Came to earth from glory,
Triumphed o’er the grave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”

Saves from condemnation,
Saves from guilt and fear,
Saves from cruel bondage,
Wipes the falling tear;

! to tossing billows,
Calms the troubled wave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”

Trust him for His mercy,
Pardon full and free,
Uttermost salvation,

For the word’s redemption
Christ his life he gave;
Shout the joyful story,
“Jesus came to save!”


Meaning of Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name

Have you ever heard the hymn “Victory In Jesus”? It’s a beautiful and uplifting song that reminds us of the amazing love and power of our . In this hymn, we celebrate the victory we have in Jesus and the saving grace He offers to all who believe in Him. Let’s dive deeper into the meaning behind these powerful words and explore the message of victory and salvation.

The hymn begins with the powerful declaration, “Victory in Jesus, Victory in His name.” What a wonderful truth to start with! It reminds us that our victory is found in Jesus and in His name. Jesus is not just a regular person; He is the world’s Redeemer, the One who came to earth from glory to save us all. He triumphed over the grave and conquered death itself. This is a reason to shout the joyful story of Jesus’ victory and His mission to save!

When we believe in Jesus, we are saved from condemnation, guilt, and fear. These burdens can weigh us down and make us feel unworthy, but Jesus offers us freedom from them. He came to break the chains of bondage and wipe away our falling tears. Just imagine the peace that comes from knowing that Jesus is by our side, calming the troubled waves of our lives. We can trust Him to bring us through any storm we may face.

This hymn encourages us to trust Jesus for His mercy and forgiveness. His love for us is so great that He offers us pardon and pardon means our sins are wiped away. When we accept His forgiveness, we experience full and free pardon. We can let go of our past mistakes and find solace in His arms. Not only does Jesus offer us forgiveness, but He also offers us uttermost salvation and blissful purity. This means that through Him, we can find the ultimate salvation and experience a transformation that brings and pure happiness.

The reason Jesus was willing to give His life was for the redemption of the whole world. He came to save us from the consequences of our sins and to offer us a start. We can’t help but shout the joyful story of what Jesus has done for us! His on the cross is the ultimate act of love, and through it, we find our victory. We are not meant to keep this incredible news to ourselves; we are meant to share it with everyone we meet!

In the title of this hymn, “Victory In Jesus Victory In His Name,” we see a beautiful repetition of the word “victory.” This repetition emphasizes the idea that true victory can only be found in Jesus and His name. It’s not about our own efforts or achievements, but about surrendering to Him and allowing Him to work in our lives. As we keep His name in our hearts and minds, we can experience the victory and peace that only He can give.

In conclusion, the hymn “Victory In Jesus” speaks of the incredible victory and salvation we can find in Jesus Christ. Through His love, He came to save us from condemnation, guilt, and fear. He offers us forgiveness, uttermost salvation, and blissful purity. We are called to trust in Him, shout the joyful story of His victory, and share it with others. Let us remember that true victory can only be found in Jesus and His name. May this hymn remind us of the amazing love and power of our Savior and inspire us to live in victory each day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the meaning behind the hymn Victory In Jesus and the salvation found in His name. Trust in Him for forgiveness and experience true victory and joy. Share the joyful story of Jesus' victory!


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