We Praise You Lord For Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of redemption and new life through Jesus Christ. Find freedom from sin

We Praise You Lord For Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “We Praise You Lord For Christ” reminds us of the immense gratitude we feel towards the Lord for giving us Jesus. Jesus broke the power of and conquered death, offering us forgiveness and the promise of life. Through Him, we find freedom, new life, and the love and grace of .


We Praise You Lord For Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ,
Who died and rose again,
Who lives to break the pow’r of sin
And over death to reign.

We praise you that this now shares
The freedom Christ can give,
Has died to sin with Christ, and now
With Christ is raised to live.

We praise you, Lord, that now this child
Is grafted to the vine,
Is made a member of your house
And bears the cross as sign.

We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ,
He loves this child we bring:
He frees, forgives, and heals us all,
He lives and reigns as king.


Meaning of We Praise You Lord For Jesus Christ

We Praise You Lord for Jesus Christ: The Power of Redemption and New Life

In this hymn, we are reminded of the immense gratitude we feel towards our Lord for giving us Jesus Christ. Jesus, who willingly died and rose again, has broken the power of sin and conquered death. It is through Him that we find true freedom and the promise of eternal life.

We live in a world that is filled with various temptations and struggles. Sin surrounds us, and it can often feel overwhelming. Yet, through Jesus Christ, we have hope. We have a who took upon Himself the weight of our sins, offering us forgiveness and redemption.

Just as Jesus rose from the dead, He offers us a new life. This new life is not bound by the chains of sin but is to live joyfully and abundantly. It is a life filled with His love and the promise of eternity in His presence.

It is through Jesus Christ that this child, mentioned in the hymn, can experience this incredible gift of . By accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they become part of the body of believers, grafted onto the vine of Christ’s love. They are welcomed into God’s family, proudly bearing the sign of the cross as a symbol of their faith.

Jesus loves this child, just as He loves each and every one of us. His love knows no bounds, and He longs to free, forgive, and heal us all. No matter who we are or what we have done, Jesus offers us His grace and mercy. He stands ready to welcome us into His embrace, to restore our brokenness, and to lead us on the path of righteousness.

As the hymn proclaims, Jesus lives and reigns as king. His power and authority extend far beyond any earthly ruler. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and His reign brings hope and restoration to our lives.

In our society, where power and success are often measured by worldly standards, it is important to remember the true source of power and meaning. Jesus Christ offers us a different way, a way that transcends the temporary and the material. His reign is one of love, humility, and self-sacrifice.

So, as we sing this hymn and offer our praise to the Lord for Jesus Christ, let us remember the incredible love and grace that He extends to us. Let us acknowledge His power to break the chains of sin and the gift of new life that He offers. Let us hold onto the hope that His reign brings and strive to live our lives in a way that reflects His love and mercy.

In conclusion, we praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ. Through Him, we find freedom from sin, embrace the promise of new life, and are welcomed into your family. May we never cease to be for the love and grace that you have shown us through your son. May we always strive to live our lives in a way that brings to your name and reflects the love of Jesus Christ to the world around us. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of redemption and new life through Jesus Christ. Find freedom from sin, embrace the promise of eternal life, and become part of God's family. Praise the Lord for Jesus Christ!


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