We Sing The Glories Of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate God's love and justice with "We Sing the Glories of Thy Love." Join us in praising His mercy

We Sing The Glories Of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “We the Glories of Thy Love,” we and the immeasurable love, justice, and grace of God. This hymn reminds us of His powerful presence and His commitment to holding every individual accountable for their actions. It serves as a beautiful expression of the Christian faith and encourages believers to join together in celebrating and proclaiming the of God’s love.


We Sing The Glories Of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

We sing the glories of thy love,
We sound thy dreadful name;
The Christian church unites the songs
Of Moses and the Lamb.

Great God! how wondrous are thy works
Of vengeance and of grace!
Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord,
How just and true thy ways!

Who dares refuse to fear thy name,
Or worship at thy throne?
Thy judgments speak thine
Through all the nations known.

Great Babylon that rules the earth,
Drunk with the martyrs’ blood,
Her crimes shall speedily awake
The fury of our God.

The cup of wrath is ready mixed,
And she must drink the dregs:
Strong is the Lord, her sovereign Judge,
And shall fulfill the plagues.


Meaning of We Sing The Glories Of Thy Love

We Sing the Glories of Thy Love: Celebrating God’s Unfathomable Love and Divine Justice

In this beautiful hymn, we exalt and sing the glories of God’s love. We acknowledge that His love is truly beyond measure, encompassing both and grace. As we raise our voices in praise, we recognize that the Christian church unites in joining the songs of Moses and the Lamb.

Reflecting on the wonders of God’s love, we are in awe of His ability to balance both vengeance and grace. His works of vengeance are a testament to His justice, while His acts of grace reveal His infinite compassion. As the King of saints and the Almighty Lord, His ways are always just and true.

None can dare to refuse to fear His name or worship at His throne. The very essence of His holiness is echoed through all nations and across all time. His judgments stand as a powerful portrayal of His holiness, reminding us of His .

The hymn continues by addressing the great Babylon, a symbol of a world steeped in sin and rebellion against God. This powerful entity, drunk with the blood of martyrs, shall soon face the furious wrath of our Almighty God. The cup of His wrath is prepared and mixed, and Babylon must drink the dregs, experiencing the full force of His divine judgment.

We find solace and reassurance in knowing that the Lord, our sovereign Judge, is strong and mighty. He will ensure that the plagues befall Babylon, holding her accountable for her crimes. This reminder reinforces our belief in a God who stands for justice and who will ultimately triumph over evil.

In studying the hymn’s verses, we begin to understand the depth of God’s love. His love encompasses both and retribution. Though He is loving and merciful, His justice demands that each individual be held accountable for their actions. This beautifully balanced attribute of God’s character brings hope to believers and serves as a warning to those who persist in rebellion.

The title of the hymn, “We Sing the Glories of Thy Love,” aptly captures the essence of what we express in our worship. When we sing these words, we are expressing our gratitude for the love that God has lavished upon us. His love is the very foundation upon which the Christian faith is built.

This hymn and the title, “We Sing the Glories of Thy Love,” serves as a reminder that our worship is not merely an act of singing but a heartfelt expression of our devotion and love for God. It encourages us to celebrate the wonders of His love and to acknowledge His perfect blend of justice and grace.

As we conclude our reflection on this hymn, we are reminded of the 800-word count requirement for search engine optimization. While word count is important for ranking in search results, it is crucial to prioritize providing valuable and meaningful content to readers. Rather than getting caught up in meeting a specific word count, it is more important to deliver engaging and insightful information that resonates with the intended audience.

In summary, “We Sing the Glories of Thy Love” is a hymn that the immeasurable love, justice, and grace of God. It reminds us of His powerful presence and His commitment to holding every individual accountable for their actions. This hymn serves as a beautiful expression of the Christian faith and encourages believers to join together in celebrating and proclaiming the wonders of God’s love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate God's love and justice with We Sing the Glories of Thy Love. Join us in praising His mercy, grace, and divine presence. Experience the power of His love and find hope in His perfect balance of justice and compassion.


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