Weary Souls, Who Wander Wide – Hymn Lyric

Discover peace and purpose in Christ. Turn to Jesus crucified and find solace in His wounds. Embrace His sacrificial love and rise into the life of God. Find solace

Weary Souls, Who Wander Wide – Hymn Lyric

In the Souls, Who Wander Wide,” we are reminded that when we feel lost and tired in , we can find solace and purpose by turning to Jesus. Through His sacrificial love and the peace He offers, we can rise above our burdens and find fulfillment in Him. By trusting in Christ and embracing His promises, we can experience an eternal bliss that surpasses anything this world has to offer. So, to all those who feel weary and lost, may you find comfort, peace, and purpose in turning to Jesus and let Him become your all in all.


Weary Souls, Who Wander Wide – Hymn Lyric

Weary souls, who wander wide
From the central point of bliss,
Turn to Jesus ,
Fly to those wounds of His:
Sink into the purple flood;
Rise into the life of God.

Find in Christ the way of peace,
Peace unspeakable, unknown;
By His pain He gives you ease,
Life by His expiring groan:
Rise, exalted by His fall,
Find in Christ your all in all.

O believe the record true,
God to you His Son hath given;
Ye may now be , too,
Find on earth the life of Heaven:
Live the life of Heaven above,
All the life of glorious love.

This the universal bliss,
Bliss for every soul designed;
God’s primeval promise this,
God’s great gift to all mankind:
Blest in Christ this moment be,
Blest to all eternity!


Meaning of Weary Souls, Who Wander Wide

Weary Souls, Who Wander Wide: Finding Peace and Purpose in Christ

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves feeling weary and lost. We search for meaning, for a sense of belonging, and for a way to escape the burdens that weigh us down. It is in these moments of weariness that we can turn to Jesus crucified and find solace in His wounds.

When we feel disconnected from the central point of bliss, which is God’s love and grace, it is easy to wander aimlessly, seeking fulfillment in all the wrong places. But the hymn reminds us that the answer lies in turning to Jesus and diving into the depths of His sacrificial love. Just as sinking into a purifying flood cleanses and rejuvenates, immersing ourselves in the love of Christ allows us to rise into the life of God.

When we embrace Jesus as our , we discover a path to true peace. It is a peace that surpasses all understanding and is beyond what words can express. This peace is not dependent on our circumstances but on the trust we place in Christ’s redemptive . Through His pain and suffering on the , He offers us relief from our burdens and grants us an eternal life in His presence. We can find solace in knowing that our pain is not in vain, but that it is through Christ’s sacrificial groan that we can experience comfort and healing.

As we rise, exalted by His fall, we come to realize that our true fulfillment lies in finding our all in all in Christ. He becomes our source of joy, purpose, and significance. In Him, we discover a love that knows no bounds and a grace that forgives and restores. He becomes our everything, filling the void within our souls and granting us a purpose that goes beyond our earthly existence.

The hymn encourages us to believe in the truth of God’s record. He has given us His Son, Jesus, as a gift of love, offering us the opportunity to find happiness here on Earth as well as the life of Heaven above. Through Christ, we can experience a taste of the heavenly joy, love, and peace while we are still on this earthly journey. It is in Him that we find the life of Heaven, a life transformed by His grace and guided by His truth.

In embracing the life of Heaven above, we discover the universal bliss that God has designed for all souls. It is a bliss that is available to each and every one of us, regardless of our past mistakes or current circumstances. God’s promise, since the beginning of time, has been to offer this bliss to all mankind. Through Jesus, this promise becomes a reality. We are blessed in Him, not just for a moment, but for all of eternity.

So, to all the weary souls who wander wide, may you find comfort, peace, and purpose in turning to Jesus crucified. Dive into the depths of His love, rise through His sacrifice, and embrace the life of Heaven above. In Christ, you will find solace, joy, and an eternal bliss that surpasses anything this world has to offer. Trust in His record, believe in His promises, and let Him become your all in all. May you be blessed in Christ, both now and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover peace and purpose in Christ. Turn to Jesus crucified and find solace in His wounds. Embrace His sacrificial love and rise into the life of God. Find solace, joy, and eternal bliss.The maximum character count for the meta description is 160 characters.


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