What Could We Do Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

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What Could We Do Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever wondered what would be like without Jesus? This explores the profound impact Jesus has on our lives, from guiding the of children to offering salvation and redemption to sinners. His presence brings comfort, , and love, reminding us that we are never alone. Without Jesus, life would be difficult and without purpose, making us appreciate His significance even more.


What Could We Do Without Jesus – Hymn Lyric

What could we do without Jesus?
What could the children do?
With the long pathway before them,
Hidden from mortal view;
How could their footsteps be guided?
Surely their feet would stray,
But that the merciful Savior
Tenderly leads the way.

What could we do without Jesus?
What could we do? where could we fly?
What could we do without Jesus,
When we are called to die?

What could we do without Jesus?
What could the sinner do?
Where could he go for salvation?
Who could his heart renew?
No other name has been given;
Only his blood can atone;
Sinners can trust but in Jesus,
Claiming no worth their own.


What could we do without Jesus?
What could the Christian do?
Is there a friend or a brother
Equally kind and true?
In the hour of temptation,
In the dread hour of pain,
What but the mercy of Jesus
Can our sad hearts sustain?


Meaning of What Could We Do Without Jesus

What Could We Do Without Jesus?

Have you ever stopped to about what life would be like without Jesus? It’s a pretty mind-boggling question, but it’s one worth exploring. In this beautiful hymn, the lyrics pose this question and delve into the many ways that Jesus impacts our lives in such a profound and meaningful way. So, let’s take a moment to ponder on this and appreciate all that Jesus does for us.

First, let’s consider the children. As the hymn suggests, without Jesus, their would be hidden from mortal view. Imagine being a child, with the vast unknown stretching out before you. How lost and confused you might feel! But thankfully, Jesus is there to guide their footsteps. He tenderly leads the way, ensuring that even the youngest among us have someone to rely on to navigate through life’s challenges.

But it’s not just the children who benefit from the presence of Jesus. The hymn asks, what could the sinner do without Him? Sinners, those who have gone astray and find themselves lost in a sea of and shame, have nowhere else to turn for salvation. Jesus is the one who can mend their broken hearts, renew their spirits, and offer them a chance at redemption. His blood, and His blood alone, can atone for their sins.

Even for those who call themselves , life would be infinitely more difficult without Jesus. The hymn wonders, could there be a friend or brother as kind and true as Him? In times of temptation and pain, it is the mercy and love of Jesus that sustains our sad hearts. When we feel weak and vulnerable, He is the one who offers us strength and comfort. His presence is a constant source of hope and encouragement, reminding us that we are never alone.

Now, you might be wondering, why is it so important to think about what life would be like without Jesus? Well, it’s because acknowledging His significance in our lives helps us appreciate Him even more. When we understand the depth of His love and the impact He has on every aspect of our existence, it inspires us to love Him in return.

So, what could we do without Jesus? The answer is simple – not much. Without Him, we would be lost, both literally and metaphorically. We would lack guidance, salvation, and the sustaining power to face life’s challenges. Our hearts would be burdened with guilt and shame, with no hope of redemption. And we would be left feeling alone, without a true friend or brother to lean on.

Fortunately, we don’t have to imagine a without Jesus. He is here with us, every step of the way. His love and mercy never waver, and His presence brings light to even the darkest moments. Jesus is the ultimate source of hope, peace, and joy.

So let us not take His presence for granted. Let us remember to thank Him and praise Him for all that He does. And let us embrace His teachings and strive to live our lives in a way that honors Him.

In conclusion, life without Jesus would be a bleak and daunting existence. We would be lost, desperate, and without hope. But thanks to His love and guidance, we have the opportunity to experience a life filled with purpose, grace, and eternal salvation. Embrace Jesus, cherish His presence, and let His love shine through you. For truly, what could we do without Jesus?


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound impact of Jesus in our lives. Find guidance, salvation, and strength through His love and mercy. Embrace the hope and purpose He offers. What Could We Do Without Jesus?


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