What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the obstacles that hinder your journey to Jesus and find salvation. Embrace His love and grace

What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“What Hinders Your Coming To : Overcoming Obstacles to find Salvation” Engage in a transformative journey towards salvation by addressing the barriers that hinder your relationship with Jesus. Reflect upon distractions, doubts, fears, or past mistakes that prevent you from seeking Him, and bring them before Jesus. Embrace His , grace, and forgiveness, and experience the joy and salvation that only He can offer.


What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

What hinders your coming to Jesus,
What hinders your coming today?
He offers His grace and His pardon,
Tell Jesus what stands in the way.

What is it that hinders your coming?
You may find this salvation today;
The Saviour is ready and waiting,
O why do you longer delay?

If pleasures and earthly enjoyment
Have hindered your coming before,
O tarry no longer but prove Him,
Who offers you joy evermore.


The , the troubled and doubting,
May lovingly lean on His breast;
O trust Him who offers salvation,
now to His arms and be blest.


What hinders your coming to Jesus?
The fear that you may not hold out?
His mercy endureth forever,
O how can you linger in doubt?


Meaning of What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus

What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus: Overcoming Obstacles to find Salvation

Are you ready to embrace the love and grace of Jesus Christ? Do you long for the joy and salvation that only He can offer? If so, it’s time to address the obstacles that may be holding you back from surrendering your life to Him. In this hymn, we are reminded to reflect upon and overcome the barriers that hinder our coming to Jesus. Let us dive deeper into these verses and explore the significance of each line.

“What hinders your coming to Jesus, what hinders your coming today?” This opening line invites us to introspect and identify the specific hurdles that prevent us from seeking Jesus. It could be distractions, doubts, fears, or past mistakes. Whatever it may be, the hymn encourages us to acknowledge it and bring it before Jesus. He is eager to hear our struggles and offer His grace and forgiveness.

“He offers His grace and His pardon, tell Jesus what stands in the way.” Jesus, the embodiment of love and mercy, extends His hand to us, ready to grant us His unending grace. We should not hesitate to pour out our hearts to Him, openly and honestly. He wants to alleviate our burdens and remove anything that stands in the way of our relationship with Him.

“What is it that hinders your coming? You may find this salvation today; The Saviour is ready and waiting, O why do you longer delay?” These lines emphasize the urgency of accepting Jesus Christ as our . There is no need to delay or wait for the “perfect” moment. Salvation is available to us right now. Jesus longs for us to be united with Him, to experience His love and find solace in His arms. So, let us not put off this life-transforming decision any longer.

“If pleasures and earthly enjoyment have hindered your coming before, O tarry no longer but prove Him, who offers you joy evermore.” Society bombards us with a plethora of temptations and distractions. It is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of worldly pleasures and forget the everlasting joy that Jesus offers. However, these earthly delights are fleeting and leave us empty inside. The hymn urges us to not linger in the allure of temporary happiness but to test and experience the immeasurable joy that only Jesus can bestow upon us.

“The fearful, the troubled, and doubting may lovingly lean on His breast; O trust Him who offers salvation, come now to His arms and be blest.” In times of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, Jesus is our refuge and strength. We can find comfort by leaning on Him, pouring out our concerns and burdens. His unwavering love and His promise of salvation should encourage us to trust in Him completely. Only by surrendering ourselves to His embrace can we truly find peace and beyond measure.

“What hinders your coming to Jesus? The fear that you may not hold out? His mercy endureth forever, O how can you linger in doubt?” Doubts about our own abilities or worries about our ability to maintain our can hinder our progress towards Jesus. But we must remember that His mercy endures forever. He is not expecting perfection from us; rather, He wants us to come to Him as we are, flaws and all. It is through His love and grace that we find the strength to overcome our doubts and fears.

In conclusion, the hymn “What Hinders Your Coming To Jesus?” serves as a gentle reminder to confront the obstacles that hinder our journey towards salvation. By acknowledging and expressing our concerns and difficulties to Jesus, we can experience His boundless grace and forgiveness. Earthly temptations may divert us, but the hymn encourages us to prioritize the immeasurable joy that only Jesus can offer. In times of fear and doubt, we can find solace in His arms and our trust in His everlasting mercy. So, what hinders your coming to Jesus? It’s time to lay it all before Him and embrace the love, joy, and salvation that await us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the obstacles that hinder your journey to Jesus and find salvation. Embrace His love and grace, overcome doubts and fears, and experience the joy that only He can offer. Lay your hindrances before Him and be blessed.


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