Whats This That In My Soul Is Rising – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of grace and mercy in "What's This That In My Soul Is Rising." Explore the journey to righteousness and find hope in God's free gift of mercy. Seek the road to glory and embrace a life filled with love and forgiveness.

Whats This That In My Soul Is Rising – Hymn Lyric

“What’s This That In My Soul Is : Exploring the Grace and Mercy in our Lives” delves into the concept of grace and mercy and how they impact our souls. The hymn explores the transformative power of grace and its ability to shield us from sin. It emphasizes the availability of God’s mercy to all who seek it, reminding us of the hope and comfort it brings.


Whats This That In My Soul Is Rising – Hymn Lyric

What is this that in my soul is rising?
Is it grace? Is it grace?
Which makes me keep for mercy crying,
Is it grace? Is it grace?

This work that’s in my soul ,
It makes me strive all sin to shun,
It plants my soul beneath the ,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

Great God of love, I can but wonder,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Though I’ve no price at all to tender,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

Though mercy’s free, our God is just,
And if a soul should ere be lost,
This will torment the sinner most,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

Swell, O swell the heavenly chorus,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
The devil’s kingdom falls before us,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

Sinners, repent, inquire the road
That leads to glory and to God,
Come, wash in Christ’s atoning ,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

This truth through all our life cheer us,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
And through the vale of death shall bear us,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!

And when to Jordan’s banks we come,
And cross the raging billow’s foam,
We’ll sing, when safely landed home,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!


Meaning of Whats This That In My Soul Is Rising

What’s This That In My Soul Is Rising: Exploring the Grace and Mercy in our Lives

Have you ever experienced a feeling deep within your soul that cannot be easily explained? It’s as if something extraordinary is happening inside you, something that fills your with gratitude and your eyes with tears of joy. This hymn, titled “What’s This That In My Soul Is Rising,” delves into these emotions and explores the concept of grace.

Grace, the unmerited favor and love of God, is a gift that we do not deserve yet receive freely. It is a force so powerful that it compels us to cry out for mercy. But what exactly is this work that begins in our souls? It is both a catalyst for change and a shield against sin.

As we strive to live righteous lives, grace empowers us to resist the temptations that surround us. It plants our souls beneath the radiant warmth of the sun, symbolizing the transformative power of God’s love. With grace, we find the strength to shun sin and embrace righteousness. It is a lifeline, a reminder that mercy is always available to us.

Oh, the wonder of a God whose mercy is freely given! We may possess no material wealth or worldly goods to offer, yet God’s mercy remains accessible to all. Though rightly just, our Heavenly Father demonstrates His limitless compassion through the gift of His , Christ. This salvation comes at no cost or condition other than faith.

The message of this hymn resonates deeply with sinners, reminding us of the consequences of rejecting mercy. To lose one’s soul is a torment that surpasses any earthly suffering. God’s justice demands accountability, and it is only by accepting His grace that we can escape the clutches of damnation.

Let us join our voices and raise a heavenly chorus, celebrating the victory of God’s kingdom over the forces of darkness. The devil’s kingdom falls before us as mercy triumphs over sin. With humility and repentance, we inquire about the road that leads to glory and to God. It is a journey that requires us to wash in the atoning blood of Christ, shedding our old selves and embracing a new life in Him.

The truth contained in this hymn is an ever-present source of comfort and assurance. It serves as a constant reminder that mercy accompanies us throughout our entire lives, even as we traverse the valley of death. Fear not, for mercy shall bear us across the tumultuous waters of life’s challenges. And when we finally reach the banks of the Jordan, we can sing with joy knowing that we are safely home in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

In conclusion, “What’s This That In My Soul Is Rising” encapsulates the breathtaking beauty of God’s grace and mercy. It reminds us of our need for His forgiveness and offers hope to those who feel lost and burdened by their . Through the power of this hymn’s message, we are encouraged to embrace God’s free gift of mercy and embark on a journey of righteousness. Let us always remember that mercy is free and available to all who seek it with sincere hearts.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of grace and mercy in What's This That In My Soul Is Rising. Explore the journey to righteousness and find hope in God's free gift of mercy. Seek the road to glory and embrace a life filled with love and forgiveness.


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