When First I Knew My Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

Discovering the Depths of Love and Redemption: When First I Knew My Lord My God. This hymn beautifully expresses a personal journey of faith

When First I Knew My Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

When First I Knew My Lord My : A Journey of Love and Redemption In this hymn, the author shares their personal experience of discovering the depths of God’s love and redemption. They recount the moment when they first encountered their Lord, and how his humility and sacrificial love brought new life to their fainting heart. This hymn reminds us that we too can find joy and purpose in our relationship with God, experiencing the wonders of his redeeming love.


When First I Knew My Lord My God – Hymn Lyric

When first I knew, my Lord, my God,
‘Twas in his deep Humility,
His Garments roll’d in his own ;
With Eye of Love he look’d on me.

Lo! then my fainting Heart reviv’d,
When I behold the smile;
‘Twas then in Jesus I believ’d,
And felt the Glory of his Toil.

I nothing had, when my dear Lamb
Did shew me all my sins forgiv’n;
I nothing had but Filth and Shame,
When first I saw my Name in Heav’n.

Love, bleeding Love, first found out me,
And led me by a Way unsought;
Love drew me to the bloody Tree,
And pointed out my Pardon bought;
Bought with the Saviour’s Pains and Blood:
Amazing Love! what Tongue can tell
The Glory which I saw in God,
When at this Foot-stool first I fell?

Nor Angels may declare the Bliss
My Soul receiv’d, when first I found,
In Christ, my Strength, and Righteousness,
Exhibited thro’ ev’ry Wound.

His Promise is, He will remain
My dear, my everlasting Friend;
He seal’d me this by unknown Pain;
, and will love me to the End.

Then praise, my Soul, bleeding King,
Who gives all his Heart to prove;
His matchless Grace for-ever ,
The Wonders of redeeming Love.


Meaning of When First I Knew My Lord My God

When First I Knew My Lord My God: Discovering the Depths of Love and Redemption

In this hymn, the author beautifully expresses their personal journey of faith and the transformative encounter they had with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The hymn captures the essence of humility, love, , and the overwhelming joy that comes from experiencing the true glory of God’s redeeming love.

The hymn begins by recounting the moment when the author first encountered their Lord, noting that it was in his deep humility that they first recognized the extent of his love. The vivid imagery of his blood-stained garments serves as a powerful symbol of his sacrifice and subsequent . The author recalls the loving gaze of Jesus, which brought revival to their fainting heart and prompted them to believe in him.

The hymn also acknowledges the state of the author’s heart prior to their encounter with Jesus. They candidly admit that they had nothing to offer, only filth and shame. However, the love of God shone through, reaching out and forgiving their sins. The author experienced the overwhelming joy of seeing their name written in Heaven, a testament to the undeserved mercy and grace bestowed upon them.

The hymn emphasizes the sacrificial love of Jesus, describing it as bleeding love that sought them out and led them to the cross. It underscores the astonishing truth that through Jesus’ suffering and shedding of blood, their pardon was bought. The enormity of this love is beyond words, a love that cannot be fully comprehended or adequately expressed.

The glory and wonder that the author experienced in God’s presence are emphasized, an encounter so profound that not even angels can fully articulate or comprehend it. The author rejoices at finding their strength and righteousness in Christ, recognizing the significance of every wound he bore on their behalf. Through his wounds, they were made whole and found their identity and purpose.

The hymn concludes with the assurance that this love endured and will continue to do so eternally. The author declares that their Lord will remain their everlasting friend, sealing this promise through unknown pain. The love of Jesus is resolute and unwavering, transcending any human understanding. It is a love that is unending, encompassing the past, present, and future.

In response to this overwhelming love and grace, the hymn encourages the soul to praise the bleeding King. It calls for a celebration of his all-consuming love that gives everything, inviting the soul to sing of his matchless grace. The author recognizes that it is through this redeeming love that they have found true joy, purpose, and eternal life.

When First I Knew My Lord My God is a poignant expression of a personal encounter with God’s love and grace. The hymn captures the essence of humility, forgiveness, and the transformative power of encountering Jesus Christ. It reminds us that, like the author, we too can experience the wonders of redeeming love, finding joy, and purpose in our relationship with the Lord. May this hymn inspire and lead us to cherish and celebrate the love that was poured out for us on the cross.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discovering the Depths of Love and Redemption: When First I Knew My Lord My God. This hymn beautifully expresses a personal journey of faith, redemption, and the overwhelming joy of experiencing God's love.


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