When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible sacrifice and love of Jesus when he left heaven and came to Earth. Find hope

When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth – Hymn Lyric

“When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth: A Hymn of Salvation” reminds us of the incredible sacrifice and love Jesus displayed when he left his abode. Through his humble and powerful miracles, Jesus proves his commitment to saving and bringing hope to all. This hymn challenges us to open our hearts to Jesus, trust in his ability to save us, and experience the transformative power of his forgiveness.


When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus left heaven and came to earth,
He came to save sinners, I’m told;
He came thro’ the manger, the lowliest birth,
He came to save sinners, I’m told.

No room in the inn for the King from on high,
The ruler of earth and the sky,
Make room in your heart, he the whole is worth;
He came to save sinners, I’m told.

He walked among men of the lowest estate,
He came to save sinners, I’m told;
His power of healing and saving was great,
He came to save sinners, I’m told.

The lame when brought to him, he healed with delight,
The blind gave he ready their sight,
Before him fled demons, and death had no weight;
He came to save sinners, I’m told.

He comes to us all in the Spirit today,
He came to save sinners, I’m told;
He’ll save us and keep us, just give him his way,
He came to save sinners, I’m told.

All, all once was lost thro’ the falling of man,
But Jesus brought salvation’s plan,
His blood now redeems us, then trust him and pray;
He came to save sinners, I’m told.


Meaning of When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth

When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth: A Hymn of Salvation

In this uplifting hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice and love that Jesus displayed when he left his heavenly abode and came to Earth. This selfless act was not only a demonstration of his deep , but it was the beginning of a journey that would forever change the course of history.

The verse starts by highlighting the humble circumstances of Jesus’ birth. Unlike a royal entrance, he came into this world through a lowly manger. This emphasizes the message that Jesus’ mission was not about wealth and power, but about reaching out to the lost and saving sinners. Despite being the ruler of both earth and sky, there was no room for him in the inn. However, this did not deter Jesus from his purpose.

As we reflect on Jesus’ life on Earth, we discover that his presence brought hope and healing to those in need. He did not confine himself to the company of the elite, but rather walked among men of the lowest estate. This reveals his unwavering commitment to reach out to all people, regardless of their social standing. He performed wondrous miracles, bringing sight to the blind, strength to the lame, and freedom to those tormented by demons. Jesus’ power to heal and save was unmatched, demonstrating his divine authority.

Although Jesus’ physical presence on Earth may seem like a distant memory, the hymn reminds us that he continues to to us today through the Holy Spirit. This divine presence offers us salvation and if we are to open our hearts and let him in. The hymn encourages us to trust in Jesus and give him control over our lives, assuring us that he will save and keep us. It is a beautiful reminder that the same Jesus who walked among us centuries ago still desires a relationship with each and every one of us.

The hymn also addresses the concept of sin and redemption. It acknowledges that all humanity was lost due to the fall of man but offers hope through the salvation brought by Jesus. His sacrificial death on the cross and the shedding of his blood became the ultimate act of redemption. Through faith in Jesus and prayer, we can experience the transformative power of his forgiveness and have our sins washed away.

“When Jesus Left Heaven And Came To Earth” is a song that celebrates the extraordinary love and sacrifice of Jesus. It encourages us to make room in our hearts for this compassionate Savior and to trust in his ability to save and transform us. This hymn serves as a reminder that we are all sinners in need of redemption but can find hope and healing through our relationship with Jesus.

In conclusion, the message of this hymn is one of hope, love, and salvation. It invites us to reflect on Jesus’ incredible journey from heaven to earth, his compassionate ministry, and the impact of his sacrifice. As we meditate on these truths and allow Jesus to enter our hearts, we discover the depth of his love and the transformative power of his . May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift generations to come, reminding us of the immense love that Jesus displayed when he left heaven and came to Earth.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible sacrifice and love of Jesus when he left heaven and came to Earth. Find hope, healing, and salvation in his compassionate ministry. Trust in his ability to save and transform us. Embrace the depth of his love and grace.


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