When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth – Hymn Lyric

Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus when he looked upon the earth. Discover the story of boundless love

When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth – Hymn Lyric

“When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth” is a hymn that tells the story of Jesus’ boundless for humanity. Despite seeing the struggles, pain, and sin on earth, Jesus made the selfless decision to leave his heavenly throne and bring and freedom to mankind. Through his on Calvary, our souls are freed and eternal salvation is granted to those who believe.


When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus looked upon the earth
And saw the plight of man,
The fountains of His love gushed forth
And formed redemption’s plan.

O love unknown
That brought Thee down
To leave Thy throne
And royal crown,
Our souls to free
On Calvary!

O heart of boundless love!
Before He came, He knew what He
Would have to undergo:
The bitter shame and agony
That waited Him below.


He knew it all, yet gladly came
Our cup of grief to share;
All glory to His holy name
Who saved us from despair!


Now, glory-crowned ,
In that world above,
He builds eternal mansions for
The objects of His love.


O guilty soul! thy debt is paid:
Then why unsaved remain?
In vain was boundless love displayed?
Did Jesus die in vain?


Meaning of When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth

When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth: A Story of Boundless Love

In a world filled with chaos and despair, there once lived a man so full of love that it overflowed from his very being. That man was Jesus, and when he looked upon the earth, he saw the plight of humanity. He saw the struggles, the pain, and the sin that weighed down the hearts of people.

But Jesus, being the embodiment of love, could not bear to see his children suffer. So, with a heart full of compassion, he made a decision that would change the course of history. He left his heavenly throne and royal crown behind and descended upon the earth to bring redemption and freedom.

Oh, what love was this, so unknown and profound! To willingly leave behind the grandeur of heaven and step into a world full of hardship and . Jesus knew what awaited him below, the bitter shame and agonizing suffering that would be his lot. Yet, driven by his boundless love, he pressed on.

He came with a purpose, clear and unwavering in his mind. He knew that he had to share in our cup of grief, to bear the weight of our sins upon his shoulders. And so, with open arms and a heart full of compassion, Jesus embraced mankind, offering himself as a sacrifice to save us from despair.

Oh, how glorious is his name! For it is through his sacrifice that we find hope and salvation. Jesus, the one with the heart of boundless love, faced the cross with courage, knowing that by his death, eternal life would be granted to all who believe.

Now, in that bright world above, where Jesus reigns in glory, he builds eternal mansions for the objects of his love. Can you even imagine the splendor and joy that await us in those heavenly abodes? It is a place where all pain and suffering will cease, where love abounds in every corner, and where we will forever bask in the presence of our .

But amidst this tale of boundless love, there remains a question that lingers in our hearts. O guilty soul, why do you remain unsaved? Jesus has paid your debt in full, his sacrifice was not in vain. The display of his boundless love was for all humanity, and it is up to each individual to accept this gift of salvation.

So, dear , do not let guilt and shame hold you back. Embrace the love that Jesus offers, and let his sacrifice be the guiding light in your life. His arms are open wide, ready to receive you with love and forgiveness. For when Jesus looked upon the earth, he did not see hopeless sinners; he saw children in of redemption.

In conclusion, the hymn “When Jesus Looked Upon The Earth” encapsulates the incredible love that Jesus has for humanity. His decision to leave his heavenly throne and descend upon the earth was a testament to the boundless nature of his love. Through his sacrifice on Calvary, our souls are freed, and eternal salvation is granted to those who believe. Let us not overlook the magnitude of this act of love and embrace the forgiveness and redemption that Jesus offers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus when he looked upon the earth. Discover the story of boundless love, sacrifice, and redemption. Find hope and salvation in his unfailing love.


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