When Jesus Taught In Galilee – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus Taught In Galilee: Discover the profound message of hope and inclusion that Jesus shared during his time on earth. Spread the message of acceptance and grace to all. Embrace Jesus' ability to receive sinners and be agents of love and compassion in a world that needs it the most.

When Jesus Taught In Galilee – Hymn Lyric

When Taught In Galilee: A Message of Hope and Inclusion In the region of Galilee, Jesus taught and brought hope to the oppressed and forgotten. This hymn celebrates his inclusive teachings, urging us to spread the message of acceptance and grace to all. It reminds us that Jesus welcomes , offering redemption and love to everyone.


When Jesus Taught In Galilee – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus taught in Galilee, so many years ago,
Around him gathered eager crowds of people and low.
“This man receiveth sinners,” did the scribes, accusing, say!
Words grandly true when uttered, they are just as true today.
O proclamation! bear it, speed it, ev’rywhere!
O star that shineth brightly thro’ the night of man’s despair!
What would we do without it, bearing all our guilt and shame!?
“This man receiveth sinners,” blessed be his holy name.

No wonder that I love him, when he saved me from despair;
No wonder I am seeking other souls his grace to share.
O ye that wander far from God, come back, come back, I pray;
“This man receiveth sinners,” you will not be turned .

Go tell the world about it, dwelling yet in hopeless night;
Have pity! they are dying, vainly groping for the light.
As rain upon the parched ground the words on them will fall,
“This man receiveth sinners,” yes he will receive them all.


Meaning of When Jesus Taught In Galilee

When Jesus Taught In Galilee: A Message of Hope and Inclusion

In a time long ago, in the region of Galilee, Jesus, a remarkable teacher and healer, walked among the people. His teachings brought hope to the hearts of those who were poor, oppressed, and forgotten. This hymn reminds us of the profound message that Jesus shared during his time on earth.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the large crowds that gathered around Jesus as he taught in Galilee. These crowds consisted of people from all walks of , particularly those who were poor and lowly. The scribes, religious leaders of the time, criticized Jesus, accusing him of receiving sinners. But amidst the accusations, Jesus continued to teach and embody the truth that he indeed welcomed all.

The of the hymn captures the essence of Jesus’ message with powerful words – “O blessed proclamation! bear it, speed it, ev’rywhere! O star that shineth brightly thro’ the night of man’s despair!” The hymn emphasizes the significance of spreading this message of acceptance and grace to all corners of the world. It depicts the image of a guiding star, shining through the of humanity’s struggles, showing the way to hope and salvation.

Jesus’ ability to receive sinners is highlighted in the hymn, reminding us that his acceptance knows no bounds. It proclaims, “What would we do without it, bearing all our guilt and shame!?- ‘This man receiveth sinners,’ blessed be his holy name.” These words encapsulate the essence of Jesus’ ministry – the ability to embrace those burdened by guilt, shame, and brokenness, offering them forgiveness and acceptance.

The personal connection of the hymn writer is evident as they express their love for Jesus. They share how Jesus saved them from despair and inspired them to seek the souls of others and share the love and grace they have experienced. Their desire for all who have wandered far from God to return is heartfelt, as they urge, “O ye that wander far from God, come back, come back, I pray; ‘This man receiveth sinners,’ you will not be turned away.”

The hymn then reaches beyond personal experience and calls on followers of Jesus to take action. It implores believers to go out into the world, particularly to those dwelling in hopeless night, and share the message of Jesus’ acceptance. The hymn paints a vivid picture of the desperate state of those who are yet to experience the light of Jesus’ love. It urges compassion, as these lost souls are described as “dying, vainly groping for the light.”

The final verses of the hymn acknowledge the powerful impact of sharing the message of Jesus’ acceptance and grace. Like rain falling on parched ground, the words of this good news will provide nourishment and hope to those who have been deprived of it. The hymn reassures that Jesus will receive all who seek him, regardless of their , flaws, or past mistakes. It affirms, “This man receiveth sinners, yes he will receive them all.”

Reflecting on this hymn, we are reminded of the enduring relevance of Jesus’ message. It resonates across time and cultures, calling us to emulate his example of acceptance and love for all. Just as Jesus welcomed sinners during his time in Galilee, so must we extend the same graciousness to those around us.

The underlying message of this hymn is that no one is beyond redemption or the reach of God’s love. It serves as a reminder that regardless of our mistakes or the paths we’ve taken, Jesus’ arms are wide open, ready to receive us. His love and acceptance are not reserved for a select few but are available to every person who seeks him.

As we encounter the challenges and complexities of the world today, let us carry the message of Jesus’ acceptance and love in our hearts. May we, like the hymn suggests, proclaim it, share it, and be the guiding light that shines through the darkness of despair. May we be agents of hope, extending Jesus’ arms of love to all those who feel lost or forgotten.

When Jesus taught in Galilee, he left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who heard his words. Let us honor his teachings and the message of inclusivity by embracing the hymn’s exhortation – “O blessed proclamation! bear it, speed it, ev’rywhere!” In doing so, we can ignite a movement of love and acceptance that transforms lives and ensures that no one is left behind.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image When Jesus Taught In Galilee: Discover the profound message of hope and inclusion that Jesus shared during his time on earth. Spread the message of acceptance and grace to all. Embrace Jesus' ability to receive sinners and be agents of love and compassion in a world that needs it the most.


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