Wherever He Leads Me My Jesus I Know – Hymn Lyric

"Wherever He Leads Me

Wherever He Leads Me My Jesus I Know – Hymn Lyric

“Wherever He Leads Me, My Jesus I Know” is a that reminds us of the unwavering trust and we can have in Jesus. No matter where life takes us, He is always guiding us and leading us in . This hymn encourages us to to His divine wisdom and to praise Him in all circumstances.


Wherever He Leads Me My Jesus I Know – Hymn Lyric

Wherever He leads me, my Jesus I know,
All things doeth well, whersoever I go.
He knows what is best, and doth guide me in love,
T’ward mansions prepared for His above.

Wherever He leads me, I’ll follow each day,
His footsteps and walk in the straight, narrow way.
I’ll praise Him I love till the shadows are past,
Then go rejoicing to glory, at last.

How blest, when temptations beset me, and care
Encumbers me sorely, while burdens I bear.
I lay at His feet, all my , and sing,
Wherever He leads me, I’ll own Him my King.

Wherever He leads me, I’ll follow each day,
His footsteps and walk in the straight, narrow way.
I’ll praise Him I love till the shadows are past,
Then go home rejoicing to glory, at last.

Wherever He leads me, ‘mid trial or pain,
So oft, but I count all afflictions but gain.
His counsel and smile, light the dreariest day,
My Saviour doth comfort me all of the way.

Wherever He leads me, I’ll follow each day,
His footsteps and walk in the straight, narrow way.
I’ll praise Him I love till the shadows are past,
Then go home rejoicing to glory, at last.

Wherever He leads me, how sweet to be led!
With manna He feeds me, so wondrously fed.
Am I for the bread of life feedeth my soul,
My Saviour sustains me who maketh me whole.

Wherever He leads me, I’ll follow each day,
His footsteps and walk in the straight, narrow way.
I’ll praise Him I love till the shadows are past,
Then go home rejoicing to glory, at last.


Meaning of Wherever He Leads Me My Jesus I Know

Wherever He Leads Me, My Jesus I Know: A Journey of Faith and Trust

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, ups and downs. Sometimes, it’s hard to navigate through the challenges and uncertainties that our way. We may feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed by the trials and tribulations that surround us. However, in the midst of it all, there is one constant presence that we can always rely on – Jesus.

The hymn “Wherever He Leads Me, My Jesus I Know” beautifully captures the essence of this unwavering trust and faith in Jesus. It reminds us that no matter where life takes us, He is always by our side, guiding us and leading us in love. As we delve deeper into the verses, let us explore the journey of faith and trust that this hymn portrays.

The first verse begins by stating, “Wherever He leads me, my Jesus I know, all things doeth well, wheresoever I go.” It highlights the belief that Jesus knows what is best for us and that He will lead us down the right . This verse teaches us to trust in His divine wisdom and to surrender ourselves to His guidance.

In the refrain, we are reminded of the commitment to follow Jesus each day and to walk in the straight and narrow way. It emphasizes the importance of praising Him and expressing our love for Him, even in the midst of difficulties and challenges. By doing so, we can find comfort and strength as we journey through life.

The second verse speaks of the blessings that come when we face temptations and burdens. It acknowledges that life is not always easy, but it encourages us to lay our sorrows at Jesus’ feet and declare Him as our King. This reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that Jesus is there to comfort and support us.

The third verse acknowledges that trials and pain are a part of life. However, it shifts our perspective by viewing them as opportunities for spiritual growth. It teaches us to count afflictions as gain, as they draw us closer to Jesus and allow us to experience His counsel and comforting presence. This verse reminds us that even in the darkest of days, Jesus’s light shines brightly and guides us through.

In the final verse, we are reminded of the sweetness of being led by Jesus. The metaphor of being fed with manna symbolizes the spiritual nourishment we receive from Him. Just as the bread of life sustains our physical bodies, Jesus nourishes our souls and makes us whole. This verse reassures us that no matter where He leads us, He will always provide for us and supply our every need.

As we reflect on these verses and the overall message of the hymn, we are reminded of the importance of trust and faith in our journey through life. It encourages us to surrender our own plans and desires to Jesus and to allow Him to lead us where He sees fit. By doing so, we can rest assured that He will always guide us in love and lead us towards the heavenly mansions He has prepared for us.

Moreover, this hymn teaches us the invaluable lesson of praising and expressing our love for Jesus, regardless of our circumstances. It reminds us that no matter how big or small our problems may be, Jesus is greater and He deserves our praise and adoration. By focusing on Jesus and His goodness, we can find joy and even in the midst of trials.

In conclusion, “Wherever He Leads Me, My Jesus I Know” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the journey of faith and trust in Jesus. It reminds us that He is always with us, guiding us through life’s challenges and leading us towards our eternal home. May we hold on to these words of wisdom and find comfort and strength in knowing that wherever He leads us, our loving Savior will be by our side.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Wherever He Leads Me, My Jesus I Know: A Journey of Faith and Trust. Trust in Jesus to guide you through life's challenges and lead you toward eternal joy and peace.


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