Who Can Sing The Wondrous Love Of The Son Divine – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of singing about the wondrous love of Jesus. Join in the joy and praise of His name

Who Can Sing The Wondrous Love Of The Son Divine – Hymn Lyric

In a world filled with music and love, we are called to sing the wondrous love of the divine. Jesus bore our and died to set us free, asking only that we sing His name with and joy. Let us join with saints and angels in a triumphant song, proclaiming glory to Jesus Christ the Lord, the sweetest name in all the world.


Who Can Sing The Wondrous Love Of The Son Divine – Hymn Lyric

Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine?
O my Lord, there’s none so to me
As the One who bore the burden of all my sin,
And so freely died to set me free.

Oh, the precious music of Jesus’ name!
Glory to the Lamb!
Oh, sweetest name in song! the heavens shall prolong
The music of Thy name.

Tune your harps, ye ransomed throng, and extol the Christ,
Sing the Name that opened ‘s door;
Oh, ’tis music, sweetest music to sinners lost,
Sweetest to the saints forevermore. [Refrain]

Oh, let saints and angels join in triumphant song,
Let the music of all worlds accord;
And in holy anthems high over all, proclaim,
“Glory be to Jesus Christ the Lord!” [Refrain]    

Meaning of Who Can Sing The Wondrous Love Of The Son Divine

Imagine a world where music fills the air, where every note sung is a sweet melody of love and . That world exists in the heart of every believer, where the name of Jesus is sung with joy and gratitude. Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine? We can, dear friends, we can!

Think about the lyrics of the hymn we just heard. It speaks of the deep, abiding love that Jesus has for each and every one of us. He bore the burden of all our sin on the , willingly sacrificing Himself so that we could be set free. Oh, what a precious gift! And all He asks in return is that we sing His name with joy and thanksgiving.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us of the power and beauty of Jesus’ name. It is a name that brings glory to the Lamb, a name that is sweetest in song. The heavens themselves echo with the music of His name, a never-ending symphony of praise and adoration. Let us tune our hearts like harps, joining in with the ransomed throng to extol the Christ, the One who opened mercy’s door for us.

But it’s not just about singing His name. It’s about living our lives in a way that honors and glorifies Him. The music of Jesus’ name is sweetest to sinners lost, offering hope and to all who call upon Him. And for the saints, those who have been by His grace, it is a song that will echo through eternity, a reminder of the love that never fails.

As we sing His name, let us remember to join with saints and angels in triumphant song. Let us raise our voices in unity, proclaiming glory to Jesus Christ the Lord. Let the music of all worlds accord as we lift high the name that is above every name.

So, my dear friends, let us take up the challenge presented in this beautiful hymn. Let us be the ones who sing the wondrous love of the Son divine, spreading His message of hope and salvation to all who will . And as we do, may the music of His name fill our hearts and minds, guiding us in all we say and do.

Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine? We can, friends, we can. So let us lift our voices in praise and adoration, sharing the sweetest name in song for all the world to hear. Glory be to Jesus Christ the Lord! Oh, what a joy it is to sing His name!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of singing about the wondrous love of Jesus. Join in the joy and praise of His name, spreading His message of hope and salvation to all. Sing with us, lift your voice in adoration!


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