Why Have We Wandered From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Why Have We Wandered From Jesus: Reflecting on the Call to Return - Discover the reasons behind our wandering and explore the joy of returning to Jesus. Embrace His love and find solace in His everlasting presence.

Why Have We Wandered From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Life’s distractions and busyness often lead us away from the loving embrace of Jesus. This hymn serves as a gentle reminder to reflect on our journey and why we may have strayed. It is time to leave behind the emptiness of the world and return to the solace, renewal, and unconditional love that only Jesus can provide.


Why Have We Wandered From Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Why have you wandered from Jesus so long,
List’ning, unmoved, to the gospel’s sweet song,
Slighting his mercy, so tender and true,
Wounding the that was broken for you?

Why have ye done this? why, oh, why?
Jesus is waiting to your reply;
Why will you longer his goodness deny,
Why, oh, why?

Why are you building on treacherous sand,
When on the Rock he invites you to stand?
Why in the desert have hungered for bread,
When he is calling, “come now, and be fed?” [Refrain]

Why in the bondage of Satan remain,
When Christ is able to break every chain?
Why further stray from the Father’s bright home?
Hasten to meet him, and nevermore roam. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Why Have We Wandered From Jesus

Why Have We Wandered From Jesus: Reflecting on the Call to Return

Oh, how sweet it is to gather together in praise and , to lift our voices high and of ‘s endless love and mercy. In the pages of this hymn, we find a gentle reminder of our journey – a journey that sometimes leads us away from the embrace of our Savior. So, let us take a moment to explore why we may have wandered and remind ourselves of the joy that awaits us when we return to Jesus.

Life can often be busy and demanding, filled with distractions that pull us away from what truly matters. As we navigate through the twists and turns of our days, it is easy to lose sight of the gospel’s sweet song. Perhaps we have become unmoved, caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives, neglecting the One who loves us unconditionally.

But, dear friends, let us remember that Jesus’ mercy is tender and true. He carries our burdens, our mistakes, and heals our wounded hearts. He was broken for us, suffering great pain so that we could be set free. So why have we turned away? Why have we slighted his mercy for so long?

Let us pause and consider the invitation that Jesus extends to each one of us – an invitation to stand on the Rock, the solid foundation that will never crumble. Yet, instead of embracing this invitation, we often find ourselves building upon treacherous sand. We seek fulfillment in material possessions, popularity, and fleeting pleasures that leave us empty and unfulfilled.

But Jesus, our gentle guide, whispers, “Come now, and be fed.” He promises to satisfy our hunger, not with perishable bread, but with the eternal nourishment of his love and grace. So why do we keep wandering in the desert, desperately searching for sustenance in all the wrong places? The answer eludes us, but we must find our way back to Him.

Sometimes, we find ourselves trapped in the bondage of Satan’s lies and temptations. We feel chained, weighed down by sin and shame. Yet, Jesus, who is full of power and might, is able to break every chain that binds us. Why do we choose to remain in this when the of Christ is waiting to illuminate our path? Let us release ourselves from the clutches of the enemy and surrender to the freedom and joy that can only be found in Jesus.

But why do we stray so from the bright home of our Heavenly Father? Why do we wander aimlessly, searching for meaning and purpose in this world when true fulfillment can only be found in Him? The gates are open, and the Father is waiting with open arms. It is time to hasten our steps, to run towards His loving embrace, and to never wander from His presence again.

As we reflect on these questions, we must remember that Jesus is not asking out of anger or condemnation; instead, He is lovingly waiting to hear our reply. He longs for us to turn back to Him, to rediscover the love and joy we once knew. So, let us not deny His goodness any longer but instead, embrace the infinite grace and mercy that He offers.

In conclusion, let us hold onto the message of this hymn in our hearts. Let us remember that in our wanderings, Jesus is always waiting for us with open arms. He beckons us to leave behind the distractions and temptations of this world and return to Him. In doing so, we will find solace, renewal, and a love like no other. So, my friends, why have we wandered from Jesus for so long? The time has come to return to Him, to bask in His everlasting love, and to walk faithfully in His light.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Why Have We Wandered From Jesus: Reflecting on the Call to Return - Discover the reasons behind our wandering and explore the joy of returning to Jesus. Embrace His love and find solace in His everlasting presence.


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