Work In The Harvest That For You Calls – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the divine calling to work in the harvest

Work In The Harvest That For You Calls – Hymn Lyric

in the Harvest That for You Calls: Gathering Sheaves for Jesus” is a that reminds us of our purpose. It urges us to prioritize our work in the harvest, gathering sheaves for Jesus. With perseverance, unity, and faith, we can find and lay up treasures for realms sublime. Let us answer the call and fulfill our calling by working in the harvest that waits for us.


Work In The Harvest That For You Calls – Hymn Lyric

Work in the harvest that for you calls;
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Work till the twilight around you falls,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Hasten, O hasten, delay no more,
Garner for the golden store,
Work till the season of toil is o’er,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.

Gathering sheaves,
Gathering sheaves,
Find in life’s harvest divine employ,
Bringing the soul everlasting joy,
Rapture that never shall know alloy,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.

Reap, for the harvest-field lies worldwide,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Serve with the faithful ones side by side,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Tho’ you toil hard thro’ the burning heat,
Laying bright grain at the Master’s feet,
You will have won benediction sweet,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.


Patiently toil in the field of time,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus,
Laying up for realms sublime,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus;
Tho’ you oft weary and faint may be,
And with dim eyes oft your tasks may see,
Labor in faith for eternity,
Gathering sheaves for Jesus.


Meaning of Work In The Harvest That For You Calls

Work In The Harvest That For You Calls: Gathering Sheaves for Jesus

In the bustling world we live in, it’s easy to get caught up in our own desires and aspirations. We often prioritize our personal goals, sometimes forgetting about the bigger picture. But amidst the chaos, there is a call that echoes through the fields of life, a call to work in the harvest that awaits us.

The hymn “Gathering Sheaves for Jesus” reminds us of this important task. It paints a vivid image of a bountiful harvest, and it urges us to join in the labor that is needed. Each verse is like a gentle nudge, guiding us towards our divine purpose.

“Work till the twilight around you falls, Gathering sheaves for Jesus.” These words speak of perseverance and dedication. They encourage us to keep working diligently, even when we grow weary. The harvest is not a one-time event; it requires constant effort and commitment. Just as the farmers work tirelessly until the twilight, we too must press on, gathering sheaves for Jesus.

In a world that often prioritizes instant gratification, this hymn reminds us to delay no more. It challenges us to focus on garnering the golden store for heaven. We are reminded that our actions on this earth have implications. By gathering sheaves for Jesus, we not only fulfill our purpose but also find everlasting joy and rapture that knows no alloy.

Reaping the harvest is not an individual task; it requires cooperation and unity. “Reap, for the harvest-field lies worldwide, Gathering sheaves for Jesus. Serve with the faithful ones side by side, Gathering sheaves for Jesus.” These lines emphasize the importance of working together as a community. We are called to join hands with our fellow believers, supporting and encouraging one another in our shared mission. By serving with the faithful ones side by side, we strengthen the bond that unites us and amplify the impact of our efforts.

Toiling in the harvest field may not always be easy. “Tho’ you toil hard thro’ the burning heat, Laying bright grain at the Master’s feet, You will have won benediction sweet, Gathering sheaves for Jesus.” This verse acknowledges the challenges that with our divine calling. We may face adversity, exhaustion, and even doubts. Yet, despite all the hardships, we are promised a benediction sweet. This is a reminder that our work in the harvest field is not in vain. It is a labor of love, and as we lay the bright grain at the Master’s feet, we are filled with a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

As we patiently toil in the field of time, we are urged to lay up treasure for realms sublime. Our earthly toil is not just about the here and now. It is about building a foundation for eternity. “Tho’ you oft weary and faint may be, And with dim eyes oft your tasks may see, Labor in faith for eternity, Gathering sheaves for Jesus.” These words inspire us to persevere, even when the road seems long and unclear. Our faith becomes a guiding light, illuminating our path and enabling us to labor in faith for eternity.

In conclusion, the hymn “Gathering Sheaves for Jesus” resonates with a divine calling that echoes through the fields of life. It beckons us to work in the harvest, to gather sheaves for Jesus. As we delay no more, we find our purpose and everlasting joy to our souls. We are encouraged to serve alongside our fellow believers, supporting and uplifting one another. Though the journey may be arduous, we are promised a benediction sweet. Our toil in the harvest field is not in vain; it lays up treasure for realms sublime. So let us heed the call, embrace our calling, and work in the harvest that for us calls – gathering sheaves for Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the divine calling to work in the harvest, gathering sheaves for Jesus. Find purpose, joy, and unity as you persevere, serve alongside others, and lay up treasure for eternity. (152 characters)


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