Workers Of The Sunday School – Hymn Lyric
In the wonderful world of Sunday School, courageous and dedicated workers spread the message of faith and love. They are like soldiers, marching forward under their amazing leader, showing their joy and dedication through singing and praying. Together, they bring forth an army of believers, spreading peace, hope, and salvation throughout the world.
Table of Contents
Workers Of The Sunday School – Hymn Lyric
Workers of the Sunday School, be strong and true;
Faithful to the Master, who is leading you;
Happy in his service, let us sing and pray,
And his blood-stained banner to the world display.
Press on, press on, workers for the King;
Press on, press on, willing off’rings bring;
Sing on, sing on; glad our song shall be,
That Jesus lives for you, and me.
Workers of the Sunday School, be brave and true;
With a simple, childlike faith, his bidding do;
Gather in the wan’dring, with a love sincere,
Welcome ev’ry stranger with a smile of cheer.
Workers of the Sunday School, be glad and true;
Let the promises of God your hopes renew;
Winning souls for Jesus thro’ his grace divine,
Souls that thro’ eternity as stars will shine.
Meaning of Workers Of The Sunday School
In the wonderful world of the Sunday School, there are courageous and dedicated workers who are ready to spread the message of faith and love. These workers are like soldiers, marching forward under the guidance of their amazing leader. They show their joy and dedication by singing and praying, and proudly displaying the banner stained with the blood of Jesus.
Being a worker of the Sunday School means being committed to the cause, just like a soldier in an army. But this army is not one that seeks to harm others, but rather to bring hope, love, and salvation. So, my dear friends, let us march on together, stronger and braver with each step we take.
As we march through this journey of faith, we must remember to be happy in our service. We need to find joy in the work we do, knowing that we are making a difference in people’s lives. So, don’t forget to sing and pray along the way. Let your happy hearts shine through your words and actions, for your enthusiasm will draw others closer to the Lord.
And just like the soldiers who offer their unwavering loyalty to their king, we too must be willing to bring our offerings to our heavenly King. We may not have gold or silver, but we can bring our talents, our time, and our dedication to his service. Every little effort counts, and when combined, our small acts of service become a powerful force, bringing light into the world.
Oh, how glad our song shall be when we realize that Jesus lives for you and me! His love is eternal, and his presence brings us comfort and strength. So, my dear workers of the Sunday School, let us press on and never lose heart. Even when faced with challenges, let us remember that we have a King who is always by our side, guiding us and giving us the courage to continue.
As workers of the Sunday School, we must be brave in our faith. We need to trust in the Lord’s plan and follow his instructions with a simple, childlike faith. It is through this unwavering trust that we can gather those who are lost and guide them towards the light. Every person we welcome with a sincere love and a smile of cheer is a step closer to building a community of believers.
In our service, we must find strength in the promises of God. His words fuel our hopes and give us the determination to keep going. We have the privilege of sharing these promises with others, inviting them to experience the same hope and joy that we have found. Through his grace, we have the power to bring souls to Jesus, paving the way for their eternal salvation. Like stars in the sky, these souls will shine for all eternity, a testament to the incredible work we have done.
So, my fellow workers of the Sunday School, let us press on, just as the title suggests. Let us be strong, true, brave, and glad in our service. May our joyful songs reach the hearts of those who need it, and may our actions reflect the love of Jesus. Together, let us bring forth an army of believers, spreading peace, hope, and salvation throughout the world. For we have the King of Kings as our commander, and with him, we can do anything.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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