Wouldst Thou Find A Friend To Love Thee – Hymn Lyric
Wouldst Thou Find A Friend To Love Thee: Discovering the Unconditional Love of Jesus Discover the incredible love and friendship of Jesus in this hymn. It speaks to our longing for a companion who understands our trials, guides us to refreshment, teaches us how to live by faith, and shields us when times are tough. Explore the depths of having Jesus as your truest friend and find solace, reassurance, and support in His unconditional love.
Table of Contents
Wouldst Thou Find A Friend To Love Thee – Hymn Lyric
Wouldst thou find a friend to love thee
More than human hearts can love,
One who knows thy every trial?
Such a friend thou hast above.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
Wouldst thou find the blessed fountain,
Flowing at the cross so free?
Go to Jesus; He will guide thee;
Cleansed by Him thy soul shall be.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
Wouldst thou find a friend to teach thee
How thy soul by faith may live,
How to reach those heights of rapture
Earthly joy can never give?
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
Wouldst thou find a friend to shield thee
When with clouds thy sky is dim?
Go to Jesus; ask His mercy;
Lo, He calls thee, go to Him.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
Meaning of Wouldst Thou Find A Friend To Love Thee
Wouldst Thou Find A Friend To Love Thee: Discovering the Unconditional Love of Jesus
In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and friendship that awaits us in Jesus. It speaks to our longing for a companion who understands our trials, a guide who leads us to spiritual refreshment, a mentor who teaches us how to live by faith, and a protector who shields us when times are tough. Let’s explore each of these ideas and delve into the depths of what it means to have Jesus as our truest friend.
Verse 1:
Wouldst thou find a friend to love thee
More than human hearts can love,
One who knows thy every trial?
Such a friend thou hast above.
When we feel lonely or misunderstood, it’s comforting to know that Jesus loves us unconditionally, beyond what any human heart might be capable of. He knows us intimately, understanding our trials and temptations. He is a friend who is always there, waiting for us to lean on Him. We can trust Jesus with all our burdens because He has promised to receive us with open arms. When life gets tough, we can turn to Him and find solace, reassurance, and support.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
This refrain reminds us that we can approach Jesus in faith, fully believing that He will lighten our load. We can cast our burdens upon Him, releasing our worries and troubles into His capable hands. His promise to receive us with open arms should fill us with confidence. We can trust in His faithfulness and find peace in His embrace.
Verse 2:
Wouldst thou find the blessed fountain,
Flowing at the cross so free?
Go to Jesus; He will guide thee;
Cleansed by Him thy soul shall be.
If you’re searching for true joy and spiritual fulfillment, the hymn encourages you to go to Jesus. At the cross, you will find a fountain of grace and forgiveness that flows freely. By surrendering to His guidance, your soul can be cleansed and renewed. Jesus is the ultimate source of living water, offering us eternal satisfaction and contentment that worldly joys can never provide.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
The refrain repeats the message that we should go to Jesus in full trust and take Him at His word. We can call upon Him for guidance and find refuge in His promises. When we encounter difficulties or feel lost, Jesus is our ever-present friend who will lead us towards the path of righteousness.
Verse 3:
Wouldst thou find a friend to teach thee
How thy soul by faith may live,
How to reach those heights of rapture
Earthly joy can never give?
If you desire to learn how to live a life of faith and experience the joy that surpasses earthly understanding, the hymn suggests turning to Jesus. He is the ultimate teacher, offering us wisdom and guidance on our spiritual journey. Jesus helps us reach heights of rapture and joy that can never be found through earthly pursuits. By following His teachings, we can experience a fulfilling life rooted in faith and love.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
Once again, the refrain reminds us to go to Jesus with trusting faith, casting all our cares upon Him. We can rest assured that He will fulfill His promises and receive us with open arms. By relying on His unfailing love and guidance, we can navigate life’s challenges and experience His abundant grace.
Verse 4:
Wouldst thou find a friend to shield thee
When with clouds thy sky is dim?
Go to Jesus; ask His mercy;
Lo, He calls thee, go to Him.
In times of darkness and uncertainty, when our skies are clouded with worries and fears, Jesus is the friend who will shield and protect us. By seeking His mercy and grace, we can find comfort and light even in the midst of life’s storms. It’s comforting to know that Jesus always calls us to come to Him, no matter our circumstances. His love and compassion are ever present, offering us shelter and peace in the midst of life’s trials.
Go, in trusting faith believing,
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
He has promised to receive thee-
Take thy Savior at His word.
As we conclude this exploration of the hymn, it’s crucial to remember the central message. Jesus is the friend who loves us unconditionally, knows our struggles, and offers guidance and protection. We can trust in His promises and take Him at His word, casting all our burdens upon Him. Through Jesus, we discover a friend whose love surpasses human understanding and provides us with abundant joy and everlasting companionship.
In moments of loneliness or when life feels overwhelming, let us remember the profound truth expressed in this hymn. May we find solace, guidance, and hope in the friendship of Jesus, our truest companion.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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