Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Join the heavenly choir of new Jerusalem as we sing praises to the Lord in joy and unity. Celebrate the Paschal feast and Christ's triumphant victory over death. Praise the divine Trinity for blessings received.

Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Come together in joy and praise as we join the heavenly choir of new Jerusalem, singing sweet melodies and celebrating our Paschal feast. Let us rejoice in ‘s triumph over death, as He calls forth the souls of the past to rise again. May we lift our voices in gratitude to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as we united in faith and love for eternity. Amen.


Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem – Hymn Lyric

Ye choirs of new Jerusalem,
To sweet new strains attune your theme;
The while we keep, from care released,
With sober joy our Paschal feast:

When Christ, unconquer’d Lion, first
The dragon’s chains by rising burst:
And while with living voice He cries,
The dead of other ages rise.

Engorged in former years, their prey
Must death and restore today:
And many a captive soul, set free,
With Jesus leaves captivity.

Right gloriously He triumphs now,
Worthy to Whom should all things bow;
And joining heaven and earth again,
Links in one commonweal the twain.

And we, as these His we ,
His suppliant soldiers, pray our King,
That in His palace, bright and vast,
We may keep watch and ward at last.

Long as unending ages run,
To God the Father, laud be done:
To God the son, our equal praise,
And God the Holy Ghost, we raise.


Meaning of Ye Choirs Of New Jerusalem

Oh, how marvelous it is to come together and sing to the Lord in our heavenly choir! Let’s uplift our voices to the sweet melodies of our theme and celebrate the joyous occasion of our Paschal feast. As we gather, let us release all our worries and embrace a sense of sober joy.

Just like the unconquerable Lion, Christ broke free from the chains of the dragon when He rose from the dead. His powerful voice calls forth the dead from ages past to rise again. Death and hell are forced to give up their captives, as many souls are set free and join Jesus in His victory.

Christ’s triumph is truly glorious, and He deserves all honor and praise. He unites heaven and earth, creating a common bond between the two realms. As we sing of His mighty deeds, let us humbly pray to our King to allow us to stand guard in His magnificent palace someday.

For countless ages to come, let us continue to praise God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Let our voices ring out in gratitude and adoration for the divine Trinity. Let our hearts be full of praise and thanksgiving for the blessings we have received.

In this world of chaos and uncertainty, let us find comfort and solace in the presence of our Lord. Let us draw strength from His power and , knowing that He is always by our side. Let us rejoice in the hope of life and salvation that Christ has brought us through His resurrection.

As we sing and praise together, let us be filled with a sense of peace and unity. Let us remember that we are all part of the same family of believers, joined together in love and faith. Let us lift each other up in prayer and support, knowing that we are never alone in our journey of faith.

So let us continue to sing with joy and gratitude, knowing that we are blessed to be a part of the heavenly choir of new Jerusalem. May our voices blend harmoniously as we offer our praises to God, now and . Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the heavenly choir of new Jerusalem as we sing praises to the Lord in joy and unity. Celebrate the Paschal feast and Christ's triumphant victory over death. Praise the divine Trinity for blessings received.


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