Ye Humble Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

Approach your God with humble hearts and sacred praise. Reflect on His immense goodness and find peace in His love. Embrace the divine refuge.

Ye Humble Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

In the sacred call to “Ye humble souls, approach your God,” we are invited to reflect on the immense goodness and love that surrounds us. Through songs of sacred , we find a peaceful home and safe defense in the , especially in times of trouble. As we trust in the kindness of the Lord, we are rewarded with a bliss free, reminding us of the profound connection we have with the infinite love that cradles and sustains us.


Ye Humble Souls Approach Your God – Hymn Lyric

Ye humble souls, approach your God
With songs of sacred praise;
For He is good, immensely good,
And kind are all His ways.

All nature owns His guardian care,
In Him we live and move;
But nobler benefits declare
The wonders of His love.

He gave His Son, His only Son,
To ransom rebel worms;
‘Tis here He makes His goodness known
In its diviner forms.

To this dear refuge, Lord, we come;
‘Tis here our hope relies;
A safe defense, a peaceful home,
When storms of trouble rise.

Thine eye , with kind regard,
The souls who trust in Thee;
Their humble hope Thou wilt reward,
With bliss divinely free.


Meaning of Ye Humble Souls Approach Your God

In the quietude of our souls, let us gather and ponder upon the vastness of the love that cradles and sustains us. Today, let us embark on an introspective journey, guided by the sacred words that stir the depths of our beings.

“Ye humble souls, approach your God with songs of sacred praise,” the opening lines invite us. Such a simple yet profound call to draw near to the divine with an open heart and humble spirit. In the sacred act of humility, we are reminded of our place in the grand tapestry of existence. It’s in this humility that we truly see ourselves and our vulnerabilities.

To come with humility is to come with sincerity, shedding the masks we often wear. Imagine standing in divine presence just as we are—imperfect, yet unconditionally loved. It is a powerful surrender to truth, to acknowledge that “He is good, immensely good, and kind are all His ways.” This acknowledgment is not a mere utterance, but an embrace of a reality that goes beyond understanding. It challenges us to accept and believe in goodness, especially in times when the world feels harsh and unkind.

As we reflect on the notion that “All nature owns His guardian care, in Him we live and move,” we are reminded of our intrinsic connection to the universe. Everything around us, the trees, the rivers, the mountains, all bear witness to the divine care that encompasses us. In recognizing this, we find a deep, sustaining connection with the world.

Yet, it is the nobler benefits that “declare the wonders of His love” that invite us into a deeper contemplation. The gift of His only Son, a made for all, beckons us to understand the profound nature of divine love—an agape love that defies all human comprehension. This unfathomable love is not a distant legend but a present reality, a refuge to which we can always return. When we find ourselves weathering storms of trouble, this love offers us “a safe defense, a peaceful home.”

In these moments, when we seek refuge, let us remember, “Thine eye beholds, with kind regard, the souls who trust in Thee.” This divine observation is not one of judgment but of compassion. To be seen by the divine is to be known deeply and loved fully. Our humble trust is met with a reward so divine and free—a state of bliss that comes from acceptance and surrender.

So, dear friends, as we navigate through the sacred text and reflect on its meaning, let it deepen our connection to our own humanity and to the divine. Allow it to invite you into a space where you embrace your entire self—the flawed and the beautiful, the weak and the strong—with the same kindness and love that the divine bestows upon us.

Through embracing this journey of self-discovery and acceptance, we create a ripple of compassion in the world around us. Let us hold these truths close to our hearts, allowing them to transform us and in turn, help us to transform the world with love and kindness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Approach your God with humble hearts and sacred praise. Reflect on His immense goodness and find peace in His love. Embrace the divine refuge.


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